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EXHIBIT C <br />individual needs as identified in the ISP and supportive services. Project Kinship has experienced <br />a direct correlation between the duration and intensity of interventions and successful outcomes. <br />As such, a strong emphasis is placed on engaging participants in several complementary <br />interventions over an extended period of time and blending education, training/workforce <br />development, pro -social engagement and stability factors (housing, mental health, physical <br />health). For example, an 18-year-old completing a juvenile diversion program has very different <br />needs than a 24-year-old gang -involved participant completing a 5-year sentence in prison for a <br />violent felony. In order to meet participants "where they are at" and increase performance <br />outcomes, case managers will need to structure evidenced -based and evidence -informed <br />interventions based on their ISP which is informed by the participant's criminogenic needs <br />assessment and leveraging ancillary services or benefits. <br />A pervasive misnomer is that an "offender" cannot also be a "victim". In addition to the trauma <br />that may have been caused prior to being involved with the criminal justice system, events during <br />incarceration can cause or amplify trauma and when it isn't recognized or considered by those <br />serving this population negative interactions or outcomes can occur. The strategies, approaches, <br />and methods employed are integrated to support desired outcomes. Each participant's <br />criminogenic needs assessment will help inform the Individual Service Plan (ISP), The ISPs are a <br />broader service document that helps identify participant barriers and criminogenic needs not <br />necessarily tied specifically to a career path, such as locating stable housing, enrolling in health <br />care benefits, or receiving outpatient alcohol or substance abuse treatment, In these examples, <br />receiving these services directly correlates with a participant's responsivity/barriers and risk to re - <br />offend and, if provided, will help the participant to overcome barriers to employment, retention, or <br />other performance goals. The ISP has specific career goals and helps inform participant goals for <br />specific perfounance measures in education, training, and ultimately job placements. This <br />