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The Warner Redhill Mixed -Use Project CEQA Findings of Fact <br />any activity that would encroach into a right-of-way, the area of encroachment be safeguarded <br />through the installation of safety devices that would be specified by the City's Building and <br />Safety Division during the construction permitting process to ensure that construction activities <br />would not physically interfere with emergency access or evacuation. Therefore, implementation of <br />the Project through the City's permitting process would reduce potential construction related <br />physical interference impacts to emergency access to a less than significant level. <br />Operation <br />The Project would include vehicular access to the site from driveways on both Warner and Red <br />Hill Avenues. As described in draft EIR Section 5.13, Transportation, these driveways would <br />provide adequate and safe circulation to, from, and through the Project site and would provide a <br />variety of routes for emergency responders to access the Project site and surrounding areas. <br />During operation of the Project, residents and commercial building tenants would be required to <br />maintain adequate emergency access for emergency vehicles as required and verified by the <br />City and the OCFA. Because the Project is required to comply with all applicable City codes, as <br />verified by the City and OCFA, potential impacts related to emergency evacuation or emergency <br />response plans would be less than significant. <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not expose people or structures either directly or indirectly to <br />a significant risk of loss, injury, or death involving wildland fires (Draft EIR at p. 5.7-28). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The Project site is located within an urban developed area and is <br />not located within an identified wildland fire hazard area and is not an area where residences <br />are intermixed with wildlands. In addition, implementation of the proposed Project would be <br />required to adhere to the following chapters of the City's Municipal Code to reduce potential fire <br />hazards: Chapter 8.2 Uniform Building Code, Chapter 8.4 Uniform Mechanical Code, Chapter 8.5 <br />National Electric Code, and Chapter 14 City of Santa Ana Fire Code. Additionally, the Project <br />would be in compliance with any further guidelines from OCFA related to fire prevention and is <br />subject to approval by the City's Building Division. Therefore, the proposed Project would not <br />expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury, or death from wildfires. <br />G. Hydrology and Water Quality <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not violate any water quality standards or waste discharge <br />requirements or otherwise substantially degrade water quality (Draft EIR at p. 5.8-1 1). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />Pollutants of concern during construction activities generally include sediments, trash, petroleum <br />products, concrete waste (dry and wet), sanitary waste, and chemicals. Each of these pollutants on <br />its own or in combination with other pollutants can have a detrimental effect on water quality. In <br />addition, chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products (such as paints, solvents, and fuels), and <br />concrete -related waste may be spilled or leaked during construction, which would have the <br />potential to be transported via storm runoff into nearby receiving waters and eventually may <br />affect surface or groundwater quality. During construction activities, excavated soil would be <br />exposed, thereby increasing the potential for soil erosion and sedimentation to occur compared to <br />City of Santa Ana 21 <br />May 2020 <br />