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d. Understanding of Need <br />Anticipated Approach, Tasks and Deliverables <br />Project/Contract Manager, Matt Tomanek, will direct project <br />activities to ensure budget, schedule and quality control, allocate <br />appropriate resources and regularly communicate project status. <br />The scope of work will identify critical assumptions and expectations of <br />the assignment. It is important for all parties to understand what is <br />involved with the task. After the project is scoped, the selection of the <br />appropriate team members for the project is vital to its success. <br />T2's proposed Project Manager, Shawn Clark, will be involved with <br />the project daily, enabling real-time project monitoring. He will <br />liaise with Contract Manager, Matt Tomanek, and the City's Project <br />Manager to identify project schedule status and updates. <br />T2's Project Manager and Task Managers hold regular project team <br />meetings —with a major emphasis placed on reviewing progress <br />and discussing upcoming milestones. The initial step is to create a <br />realistic schedule including critical path items such as coordination with <br />the City early in the scheduling process to verify the milestone submittal <br />dates. Major work tasks will be planned as a series of subtasks and <br />accommodate a bottoms -up approach at schedule development stage, <br />a proper linkage of predecessor/successor activities and an effective <br />management tool to track/adjust schedules or reallocate resources as <br />work proceeds. <br />T2's general approach to SUE investigations beg._ . r.;. <br />thorough site reconnaissance. County records, Title Commitments, <br />existing surveys, oral recollection, maps and available utility records <br />provide the foundational information our staff will research to start the <br />investigation. Using this information, our team will work with the City <br />to fine-tune the scope, investigation limits and Quality Levels to match <br />the existing site conditions and proposed design. <br />T2's techniques to achieve <br />schedule success: <br />• Appoint Work Assignment <br />Manager for individual <br />tasks <br />• Conduct a brainstorming <br />meeting to discuss project <br />requirements and critical <br />schedule path task items <br />• Prepare a Work Plan <br />outlining project task <br />requirements <br />• Discuss the Work Plan <br />and detailed schedule <br />with all team members <br />• Develop a schedule <br />with time allowance for <br />unforeseen conditions <br />• Organize and hold a <br />Kick-off Meeting <br />• Schedule initial meetings <br />with utility companies and <br />permitting agencies <br />• Facilitate ongoing <br />production meetings <br />• Complete progress <br />reporting <br />1. STATENDF2ZLIFICATIONS 18 <br />