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PARYK01»01M9ANIN16 MILlIN:111111:1:1B1l14 <br />Underground Utility Locating <br />T2 field technicians will perform air -vacuum excavation of test holes on <br />existing subsurface utilities requested by the team. Our approach is to <br />remove a small 12"x12" plug from the surface and excavate using an air <br />lance to break the sub -grade up. This is the most non-invasive method of <br />vacuum excavation and is favored over hydro excavation as it does not <br />disturb the surrounding soils and allows for a stronger back -fill using <br />native soils. Test hole locations will be identified during the development <br />of the plans. Utility data obtained through our standard procedures <br />includes the depth, horizontal and vertical location tied to a reference <br />marker set 1' away from the test hole, size and material composition of <br />the utility exposed. <br />T2's general approach to test hole procedures is to begin by working <br />with the City to identify preliminary areas where test holes may be <br />required. We will begin the process by performing a records research <br />campaign to ascertain the utilities are present and who owns those <br />utilities. During this process, T2 will coordinate with the City to obtain <br />any records or plans available that may show utilities and ownership. <br />T2 additionally will contact One -Call to obtain utility records and a list <br />of utility owners in the area. <br />Depending on the location and City right-of-way requirements, Traffic <br />control plans will be prepared and submitted for approval. T2 will hire a <br />barricade firm from an approved vendor list to perform all traffic control <br />if needed. Prior to commencing work, T2 field crews will ensure that all <br />traffic control devices are set up according to the approved traffic <br />control plans. Field crews will expose the utility, documenting the <br />elevation of the top and bottom of the utility as referenced to the <br />reference marker set in the adjacent grade, outside diameter or size of <br />utility, material and pavement thickness, soils material and any other <br />anomalies encountered. This information is documented on a Test Hole <br />Data Report form using T2's proprietary software that captures all of the <br />information and photographs of the hole. Completed and final Test Hole <br />Data Reports are reviewed and stamped by T2's in-house PE. <br />Schedule <br />As stated above, T2's Project Manager and Task Managers hold <br />regular project team meetings — with a major emphasis placed on <br />reviewing progress and discussing upcoming milestones. The <br />initial step is to create a realistic schedule including critical path items <br />such as coordination with the City early in the scheduling process to <br />verify the milestone submittal dates. <br />Major work tasks will be planned as a series of subtasks and <br />accommodate a bottoms -up approach at schedule development stage, <br />a proper linkage of predecessor/successor activities and an effective <br />management tool to track/adjust schedules or reallocate resources as <br />work proceeds. <br />2. SCOPE AND SCHEDULE 114 <br />