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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Patrick Korthuis Biography <br />Sir Speedy Printing Phone: 714.574,5674 <br />1540 S, Lyon Street Fax: 714,547,0167 <br />Santa Ana, CA, 92705 Office Email: ss eedy112 n,eartbJiak,net <br />Personal Email: pk.sirspeedy@eartlnlink,net <br />Patrick was born in Bellflower, California in 1964 to a Dutch couple, Betty and Bob <br />Kortbuls, Mr. and Mrs. Korthuis arrived in the USA a few years before Patrick was born. <br />He considers it a blessing to be able to be raised knowing two different cultures, the <br />Dutch and the American culture, Patrick has an older brother, Edward and a younger <br />sister Yvonne. Patrick was very fortunate to have been able to go to Holland several <br />times during his youth and spend tine with his Ditch relatives, The visits to Holland and <br />the influence of his parents gave Patrick tlne opportunity to learn Dutch. <br />Patrick learned the value of entrepreneurship at the age of nine whom he acquired his own <br />newspaper route, delivering for the Harold Examiner, and then moved to the Independent. <br />Press Telegram. He graduated from Gahr High School in Cerritos, He was accepted at <br />Universal Teclmical Institute, where lie graduated with a Diesel Mechanic degree, <br />He worked as a Mechanic for 18 years before he and Ids wife decided to venture into <br />having their own business. After some research they bought a Sir Speedy Printing, They <br />have had their business since 1999. In 2006 they were able to purchase a building for the <br />business which allows them to continue to grow. The business has been in Santa Ana <br />since 1974 and at the same location until they recently moved into their new facility at <br />I540 S. Lyon Street in Santa Ana. <br />Patrick is a member of the Santa Ana Chamber and Hispanic Ciianrbor of Commerce and. <br />is past President the Santa Ana Kiwanis club. <br />In his free time 11e enjoys working in the garden, His hobbies are motorcycle riding, <br />water skiing, and snow skiing, His dream would be to one day drive a race car. <br />Patrick has been blessed with three boys, Brandon 19, Jason 18 and Nathaniel 6wks, <br />Brandon is in his second year of college attending LBSU and plans to attend Chiropractic <br />College. Jason is a senior in High School and would like to be an lunosthesiologist. The <br />youngest is Nathaniel and we don't know what he wants to be because lie is only 6 weeks <br />old and doing great. <br />Patrick and Christy have been married for nine yoars and enjoy traveling, camping, <br />golfing and walking in their neighborhood after dinner. <br />13A-10 <br />