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7 of Santa Ana Section 7: FOG Control Program <br />1) The City requires that each FSE maintain a plan and schedule for the disposal of FOG generated by its <br />activities. The plan and schedule can be found within the FOG Control Program Manual's Appendix C. <br />2) In January of 2005, the City of Santa Ana implemented a FOG Control Program that includes all of the <br />required WDR elements. A copy of the FOG Control Program Manual was submitted to the Regional <br />Board in January, 2005. The FOG Control Program Manual is incorporated, by reference, into the SSMP <br />and was recently updated in December 2019. All elements of the FOG Control Program are currently <br />being implemented by a combination of City staff and consultants. The City's FOG Ordinance <br />(Ordinance No. NS 2921) provides the legal authority necessary to enforce the FOG program. <br />3) The City's requirements to install grease removal devices are discussed in Section 4.3 — FOG <br />Wastewater Discharge Requirements of the City of Santa Ana Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control <br />Program Manual. This section, and related sections in the FOG Control Program Manual also describe <br />the requirements for design standards for the removal devices, maintenance requirements, BMP <br />requirements, and record keeping and reporting requirements. <br />4) The City has legal authority to inspect grease producing facilities established in Ordinance No. NS 2921 <br />and the FOG Control Program Manual, and enforces any violation of the sewer ordinance in accordance <br />with City requirements. The City has sufficient staff to provide inspections of each grease removal <br />device in its service area at least once per year. <br />5) The City has identified sections of its sanitary sewer system subject to high levels of FOG in its Digital <br />Sewer Atlas (infraMAP). Accordingly, the City's Operation and Maintenance Program includes a higher <br />frequency (typically monthly) cleaning schedule for each of these sections. These measures have <br />prevented FOG related SSOs from occurring. Using infraMAP, the City can also pinpoint inspections to <br />focus on these sections identified with high FOG accumulation. Inspection results and inspection history <br />is stored in the infraMAP database and evaluated periodically. <br />The City of Santa Ana has created an "Enhanced Maintenance Location (EML) Database" as a part of <br />the Sewer System Infrastructure Management System. These EMLs along with siphons are cleaned on <br />a weekly or monthly basis, depending on the severity of the problem. <br />6) The City has developed and implemented source control measures for all sources of FOG discharged to <br />the sanitary sewer system for each section of the Sewer Line Problem Areas identified by adopting <br />Ordinance No. NS 2921. <br />A major collaborative effort took place in this SSMP requirement during the development of the City's <br />existing SSMP. A FOG Control Program Manual was developed to specify the key elements of the <br />ongoing FOG Control Program, and will be further discussed and updated (when necessary) as required <br />in the WDR. <br />A comprehensive FOG source identification investigation process is being implemented and refined as <br />part of the FOG Control Program. The process incorporates CCTV investigation along with FSE <br />inspections to determine the sources of FOG discharges to sewer system EMLs. The source <br />identification process is included in the FOG Control Program Manual. <br />7) City Staff and the City's FOG Program consultant meets with FSE owners during inspections, and as <br />needed, to discuss the City's FOG Control Program and proper grease control device maintenance. The <br />April 2020 <br />19F-29 <br />7-2 <br />