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whichever is the later date. If the Contractor fails to timely select one of the two options, the <br />Contractor shall be deemed to have selected the provisions of 7.4.2. <br />Section 7.5 No Lockouts Contractors shall not cause, incite, encourage, condone or <br />participate in any lock -out of employees with respect to Project Work during the term of this <br />Agreement. The term "lock -out" refers only to a Contractor's exclusion of employees in order to <br />secure collective bargaining advantage, and does not refer to the discharge, termination or layoff <br />of employees by the Contractor for any reason in the exercise of rights pursuant to any provision <br />of this Agreement, or any other agreement, nor does "lock -out" include the City's decision to <br />stop, suspend or discontinue any Project Work or any portion thereof for any reason. <br />Section 7.6 Best Efforts to End Violations <br />7.6.1 If a Contractor contends that there is any violation of this Article or Section 8.3, it <br />shall notify, in writing, the Executive Secretary of the Trades Council, the Senior Executive of <br />the involved Union(s) and the CWA Administrator. The Executive Secretary and the leadership <br />of the involved Union(s) will immediately instruct, order and use their best efforts to cause the <br />cessation of any violation of the relevant Article. <br />7.6.2 If the Union contends that any Contractor has violated this Article, it will notify <br />that the Contractor and the CWA Administrator, setting forth the facts which the Union contends <br />violate the Agreement, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to invoking the procedures of <br />Section 7.8. The CWA Administrator shall promptly order the involved Contractor(s) to cease <br />any violation of the Article. <br />Section 7.7 Withholding of services for failure to pay wages and fringe benefits <br />7.7.1 Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, it shall not be a <br />violation of this Agreement for any Union to withhold the services of its members (but not the <br />right to picket) from a particular Contractor who: <br />(a) fails to timely pay its weekly payroll; or <br />(b) fails to make timely payments to the Union's Joint Labor/Management <br />Trust Funds in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Master Labor Agreements. Prior <br />to withholding its members' services for the Contractor's failure to make timely payments to the <br />Union's Joint Labor/Management Trust Funds, the Union shall give at least ten (10) days (unless <br />a lesser period of time is provided in the Union's Master Labor Agreement, but in no event less <br />than forty-eight (48) hours) written notice of such failure to pay by registered or certified mail, <br />return receipt requested, and by facsimile transmission to the involved Contractor and to the <br />City. Union will meet within the ten (10) day period to attempt to resolve the dispute. <br />7.7.2 Upon the payment of the delinquent Contractor of all monies due and then owing <br />for wages and/or fringe benefit contributions, the Union shall direct its members to return to <br />work and the Contractor shall return all such members back to work. <br />Final Draft Community Workforce Agreement <br />6.22.17 18 City of Santa Ana <br />