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Section 7.3 Standing to Enforce, The City, the CWA Administrator, or any Contractor <br />affected by ari alleged violation of Section 7.1 shall have standing and the right to enforce the <br />obligations established therein. <br />Section 7.4 Expiration of Master Labor Agreement If the Master Labor Agreement, or any <br />local, regional, and other applicable collective bargaining agreements expire during the term of <br />the Project, the Union(s) agree that there shall be no work disruption of any kind as described in <br />Section 7.1 above as a, result of the expiration of any such agreement(s) having application on <br />this Project and/or failure of the involved Parties to that agreement to reach a new contract. <br />Terms and conditions of employment established mud set at the time of bid shall remain <br />established and set. Otherwise to the extent that such agreement does expire and the Parties to <br />that agreement have failed to reach concurrence on a new contract, work will continue on the <br />Project on one of the following two (2) options, both of which will be offered by the Unions <br />involved to the Contractors affected: <br />7.4.1 Each of the Unions with a contract expiring must offer to continue working on the <br />Project under interim agreements that retain all the terms of the expiring contract, except that the <br />Unions involved in such expiring contract may each propose wage rates and employer <br />contribution rates to employee benefit funds under the prior contract different from what those <br />wage rates and employer contributions rates were under the expiring contracts. The terms of the <br />Union's interim agreement offered to Contractors will be no less favorable than the terms offered <br />by the Union to any other employer or group of employers covering the same type of <br />construction work in Orange County, <br />7.4.2 Each of the Unions with a contract expiring must offer to continue working on the <br />Project under all the terms of the expiring contract, including the wage rates and employer <br />contribution rates to the employee benefit funds, if the Contractor affected by that expiring <br />contract agrees to the following retroactive provisions: if a new Master Labor Agreement, local, <br />regional or other applicable labor agreement for the industry having application at the Project is <br />ratified and signed during the term of this Agreement and if such new labor agreement provides <br />for retroactive wage increases, then each affected Contractor shall pay to its employees who <br />performed work covered by this Agreement at the Project during the hiatus between the effective <br />dates of such expired and new labor agreements, an amount equal to any such retroactive wage <br />increase established by such now labor agreement, retroactive to whatever date is provided by <br />the new labor agreement for such increase to go into effect, for each employee's hours worked <br />on the Project during the retroactive period. All Parties agree that such affected Contractors shall <br />be solely responsible for any retroactive payment to its employees. <br />7.4.3 Some Contractors may elect to continue to work on the Project under the terns of <br />the interim agreement option offered under paragraph 7.4.1 and other Contractors may elect to <br />continue to work on the Project under the retroactivity option offered under paragraph 7.4.2. To <br />decide between the two options, Contractors will be given one week after the particular labor <br />agreement has expired or one week after the Union has personally delivered to the Contractors in <br />writing its specific offer of terms of the interim agreement pursuant to paragraph 7,4.1, <br />Final Draft Community Workforce Agreement <br />6.22.17 17 City of Santa Ane <br />