Laserfiche WebLink
Exhibit 2 <br />Phase 2: Evaluate and Forecast <br />2.1 PUBLIC INFORMATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA <br />MIG will produce short website text and one scalable digital/electronic graphic in each phase of the project for City <br />staff to use in updating the project website, making social media posts, providing flyers and signage, and <br />communicating project details and/or opportunities to be involved in the master planning process. MIG will draft <br />material in each phase and provide the original files (Word and In Design) to the City for any revisions or <br />modifications for ongoing use. <br />2.2 BILINGUAL PARK AND RECREATION QUESTIONNAIRE <br />Building on outreach already conducted for the General Plan update, MIG will develop and program an online <br />questionnaire that is tablet, computer, and smartphone-friendly. It will include 15 20 questions (10-12 minute <br />questionnaire) customized to Santa Ana's project needs, addressing questions about parks, recreation facilities, <br />trails, open space, programs and services, and potentially focusing on use, recreation preferences, desired benefits <br />and service improvements, funding priorities and resident's willingness to pay for service and system enhancements <br />MIG will draft questions, revise them based on one set of consolidated comments from City staff, translate <br />questions into Spanish, program the English and Spanish versions of the questionnaire online and provide a link and <br />OR code to the City for web posting and distribution. MIG will host the questionnaire for a maximum or four (4) <br />weeks, providing biweekly updates to City staff on numbers of respondents. At its completion, MIG will present one <br />set of consolidated, tabulated results and a summary of key findings in English. City staff will be responsible for <br />advertising the questionnaire and posting links on the website and social media. <br />2.3 POP-UP OR VIRTUAL OUTREACH ACTIVITY <br />MIG will supplement the online questionnaire with a second activity or forum intended to identify specific needs <br />and/or represent underserved groups. This activity may take one of several form to be determined in the kickoff <br />meeting and engagement plan. Options include but are not limited to one of the following: one or two focus group <br />videoconferences, a Spanish -focused workshop, one or two pop-up activities and materials, a paper version of the <br />questionnaire, a youth online activity or survey for school outreach, a photo contest, or an activity packet and <br />stipend for CBO outreach, recognizing that ethnic groups and underrepresented groups are more likely to respond <br />to outreach requests made through their own social networks. <br />MIG will recommend an approach using the budget allowance to design the activity, develop materials, translate <br />materials into Spanish, and depending on the forum selected, host the activity in conjunction with City staff. City <br />staff will provide support such as identifying a location, recruiting participants, posting links on the website and <br />social media, etc. The task includes draft and final outreach materials, revised through one round of consolidated <br />comments from City staff. MIG will tabulate data and summarize findings and themes, providing a pdf to the City. <br />2.4 COMMUNITY BRIEFINGS OR ADDITIONAL OUTREACH <br />Santa Ana is a highly diverse community with many different interest groups with a stake in the City's parks and <br />recreation opportunities. To ensure outreach represents these groups, this task includes an allowance to either 1) <br />convene a community panel of CBOs, HOAs, non profits, social organizations and clubs, community groups and <br />associations, sports leagues, businesses, recreation interest groups, and other agencies; 2) meet with selected <br />groups and provide project briefings at pre-existing community meetings (depending on COVID restrictions); or 3) <br />create an ambassador packet of speaking points, questions, and data upload forms, providing a stipend to selected <br />CBOs to gather data for this planning process. These techniques use existing networks and channels to collect <br />information and can also help drive up responses to the online questionnaire if sequenced accordingly. MIG will <br />identify options using the budget allowance to design the activity, develop materials, and depending on the forum <br />selected, attend, or manage meetings. MIG will tabulate data and summarize findings and themes. <br />2.5 LOS, PARK ACCESS, AND GAP ANALYSIS <br />Using publicly available data (Urban Footprint and TPL's ParkServeT, data) as well as MIG data and tools (Esri <br />Tapestry Segmentation Data and ArcGIS Network Analyst'"), MIG will build upon the recent General Plan analysis to <br />evaluate park and facility service gaps for nearby park and recreation needs. Each gap area will be evaluated to <br />identify "opportunities" to address service needs. Off-street trails, sidewalks, and the actual paths of travel will be <br />25B-43 <br />