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Appeal Application No. 2020-02, ER No. 2018-13 & AA No. 2020-04 — 4th and Mortimer Mixed -Use <br />Development <br />December 1, 2020 <br />Page 15 <br />utilities and service systems; and climate change. A mitigation monitoring and reporting program <br />(MMRP), findings of fact, and a statement of overriding consideration were adopted with the 2010 <br />EIR. As part of the 2020 Addendum to the 2010 EIR, the original MMRP must be readopted by the <br />Planning Commission. All mitigation measures in the original EIR and associated MMRP have <br />been enforced and are carried over within the 2020 Addendum, with exception of mitigation <br />measure MM4.4-1(a) as part of the Cultural Resources which was revised after consultation with <br />California Native American Tribes. <br />Addendum Conclusions <br />The Addendum focuses on the potential environmental impacts associated with the project, <br />including the site plan review application, variance, and amendment application that might cause a <br />change in the conclusions of the certified 2010 EIR, including changes in circumstances or new <br />information of substantial importance that would substantially change those conclusions. <br />To fully evaluate the proposed project's impacts on the site the development required preparation of <br />studies relating to shade and shadow, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, traffic, parking, <br />hydrology, and sewer capacity, which were extensively peer reviewed by the City's CEQA consultant. <br />In addition, additional studies relating to cultural resources, noise and vibration were prepared by the <br />CEQA consultant (Attachments to the 2020 Addendum). In addition, the project is within a Transit <br />Priority Area. Under Senate Bill 743, aesthetic and parking impacts cannot be considered a significant <br />impact within a Transit Priority Area. <br />The 4th and Mortimer development project Addendum concludes no new or substantially greater <br />impacts would occur with implementation of the proposed development when compared to those <br />identified in the 2010 EIR and finds that no supplemental or subsequent EIR is required for the <br />proposed development. Therefore, the 2010 EIR's MMRP will continue to mitigate or lessen any <br />impacts already identified by the TZC's original 2010 EIR. <br />Economic Development <br />A fiscal and economic impact analysis prepared by RSG, Inc. and The Concord Group was submitted <br />for the project. The analysis estimates that the proposed development will result net positive fiscal <br />impacts to the City, the Business Improvement District, and create over 800 new temporary or <br />permanent jobs. Specifically, the analysis estimates the following impacts: <br />$5.4 million net new General Fund revenues associated with the project over a 25-year period, <br />resulting from: <br />o A total of $7.8 million in additional City General Fund revenue, including $2.9 million in <br />net new property tax revenues, construction period revenues, recurring site -specific <br />tax, and other Project impacts over a 25-year period, and <br />o $2.4 million in General Fund expenditures associated with the project over a 25-year <br />period <br />806 direct, indirect, or induced new jobs resulting from the project, of which 35 would be <br />permanent <br />Approximately $205,424 in Business Improvement District (BID) funds <br />75C-15 <br />