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4th and Mortimer CEQA Addendum <br />October 12, 2020 <br />Page 12 of 15 <br />implemented as a condition of development, and not merely adopted and then neglected <br />or disregarded." Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations v. City of Los Angeles <br />(2000) 83 Cal.App.4th 1252, 1260-1261. The decision to abandon an adopted mitigation <br />measure is a discretionary decision. <br />An agency fails proceed in a manner required by law when it fails to comply with <br />adopted CEQA mitigation measures. Lincoln Place, 130 Cal.AppAth at 1508, 1510 <br />("[h]aving placed these conditions ... the city cannot simply ignore them. Mitigating <br />conditions are not mere expressions of hope ... [i]n the present case the city failed to <br />proceed according to law ..."). "[T]his rule is applicable even if one of the smaller parts <br />might require only ministerial, rather than discretionary, approval." Katzeff, 181 <br />Cal.AppAth at 611; Lincoln Place, 130 Cal.AppAth 1491, 1507 n22 ("it cannot be argued <br />CEQA does not apply to the ... demolition on the ground the demolition permits are <br />ministerial acts.") <br />Since the Project may have significant impacts to historic resources, and the City <br />has failed to comply with mitigation measures required by the 2010 EIR, a supplemental <br />EIR is required to analyze this impact. <br />4. The Project Fails to Implement Mitigation Measures Required by the <br />2010 EIR. <br />The Project fails to implement several mitigation measures required by the 2010 <br />EIR. As discussed above, the failure to implement mitigation measures set forth in a prior <br />EIR itself requires preparation of a supplemental EIR. <br />In addition to the historic resources mitigation measure, the Addendum fails to <br />implement energy conservation and greenhouse gas mitigation measure 4.2-22, which <br />requires projects to exceed Title 24 energy standards by 20%. (2010 DEIR 1-18). <br />However, the Addendum fails to implement this measure, since the Project will merely <br />comply with Title 24, not exceed Title 24 by 20%. <br />The 2010 EIR included numerous air quality mitigation measures that are not <br />required in the Addendum for the Project. (2010 EIR 1-18, MM 4.2-21, 4.2-22). The <br />failure to implement these mitigation measures requires preparation of a supplemental <br />EIR. <br />5. The Project Will Have Significant Adverse Air Quality and <br />Greenhouse Gas Impacts. <br />We submit herewith the comments of Dr. Paul Rosenfeld, Ph.D. and Matthew <br />Hagemann, C. Hg, P.G. of the environmental consulting firm SWAPE. They conclude <br />that the Addendum's air quality analysis is riddled with errors due to unsubstantiated input <br />parameters used to estimate Project emissions. (SWAPE 1). Correcting for these errors, <br />SWAPE concludes that the Project will create a cancer risk from airborne pollution of up <br />to 210 per million. (SWAPE 18). This is over twenty times above the South Coast Air <br />75C-31 <br />