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Appeal Application No. 2020-02, ER No. 2018-13 & AA No. 2020-04 — 4th and Mortimer Mixed -Use <br />Development <br />December 1, 2020 <br />Page 9 <br />For the subject project, the City has applied Section 21166 (see Section I(a) above) <br />and determined that substantial evidence supports the determination that the <br />changes required for the 4th and Mortimer Mixed -Use project (i.e., the site plan <br />review, zone change, and variance) do not result in new significant impacts and does <br />not require preparation of a Supplemental or Subsequent EIR. This determination is <br />subject to the substantial evidence standard, and not the fair argument test. <br />c. The appellant contends that the EIR for the Transit Zoning Code cannot have any <br />informational value relative to the 4th and Mortimer Mixed -Use Development Project, <br />because the 4th and Mortimer Mixed -Use Development Project seeks a zone change <br />and variance. <br />Summary of Appeal Reasoning: The appellant states that the 2010 EIR has no <br />informational value to the project and since the project exceeds the density and <br />massing analyzed in the 2010 EIR it is a new "project," and requires that the CEQA <br />process start at the beginning. <br />Staff Response: The appellant provides no legal citation for this statement, and the <br />statement is untrue. The TZC EIR analyzes and documents the environmental <br />impacts of zoning for the integration of new infill development into existing <br />neighborhoods, the provision of a range of housing options in downtown, and the <br />provision of a transit -supportive, pedestrian -oriented development framework to <br />support the addition of new transit infrastructure. The 4th and Mortimer Mixed -Use <br />project proposes a minor change to the zoning established in the TZC and analyzed <br />in the TZC EIR. The project is consistent with the objectives of the TZC, and, as <br />documented in the addendum, the TZC EIR's conclusions relating to aesthetics, air <br />quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, hydrology, <br />land use and planning, noise, population and housing, public services, <br />transportation, and utilities remain unchanged, even with implementation of the 4th <br />and Mortimer Mixed -Use project's zone change and variance. For each of these <br />resource areas, the analysis in the TZC EIR still applies and is still correct for the <br />downtown area. Therefore, the EIR has informational value relative to the 4th and <br />Mortimer Mixed -Use Development project. <br />d. The appellant contends that because the Transit Zoning Code EIR identified <br />significant and unavoidable impacts, State CEQA Guidelines section 15152(f) and <br />Communities for a Better Environment v. California Resources Agency (2002) 103 <br />Cal.AppAth 98 the City cannot use an addendum. <br />Summary of Appeal Reasoning: The appellant states that State CEQA Guidelines <br />Section 15152(f) prohibits the use of an addendum when the original EIR identified <br />significant and unavoidable impacts. Furthermore, the appellant provides findings <br />that the Communities for a Better Environment v. California Resources Agency <br />(2002) 103 Cal.App.4th 98 holds that an addendum cannot be used where the original <br />EIR has identified significant and unavoidable impacts. <br />75C-9 <br />