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OEHHA22 and the California Air Pollution Control Officers Associated ("CAPCOA" )` guidance as the <br />appropriate air dispersion model for Level 2 health risk screening assessments ("HRSAs"). A Level 2 HRSA <br />utilizes a limited amount of site -specific information to generate maximum reasonable downwind <br />concentrations of air contaminants to which nearby sensitive receptors may be exposed. If an <br />unacceptable air quality hazard is determined to be possible using AERSCREEN, a more refined modeling <br />approach is required prior to approval of the Project. <br />We prepared a preliminary HRA of the Project's construction and operational health -related impact to <br />residential sensitive receptors using the annual PM10 exhaust estimates from the SWAPE CalEEMod <br />output files. Consistent with recommendations set forth by OEHHA, we assumed residential exposure <br />begins during the third trimester stage of life. SWAPE's CalEEMod model indicates that construction <br />activities will generate approximately 188 pounds of DPM over the 636-day construction period. The <br />AERSCREEN model relies on a continuous average emission rate to simulate maximum downward <br />concentrations from point, area, and volume emission sources. To account for the variability in <br />equipment usage and truck trips over Project construction, we calculated an average DPM emission rate <br />by the following equation: <br />grams 188.4 lbs 453.6 grams 1 day 1 hour <br />Emission Rate = x x x = 0.001556 g/s <br />second 636 days lbs 24 hours 3,600 seconds <br />Using this equation, we estimated a construction emission rate of 0.001556 grams per second ("g/s"). <br />Subtracting the 636-day construction period from the total residential duration of 30 years, we assumed <br />that after Project construction, the sensitive receptor would be exposed to the Project's operational <br />DPM for an additional 28.26 years, approximately. The Project's operational CalEEMod emissions <br />indicate that operational activities will generate approximately 64 pounds of DPM per year throughout <br />operation. Applying the same equation used to estimate the construction DPM rate, we estimated the <br />following emission rate for Project operation: <br />grams 64.4 lbs 453.6 grams 1 day 1 hour <br />Emission Rate (second) 365 days X lbs X 24 hours X 3,600 seconds — 0.000926 g/s <br />Using this equation, we estimated an operational emission rate of 0.000926 g/s. Construction and <br />operational activity was simulated as a 2.72-acre rectangular area source in AERSCREEN with dimensions <br />of 157 by 70 meters. A release height of three meters was selected to represent the height of exhaust <br />stacks on operational equipment and other heavy-duty vehicles, and an initial vertical dimension of one <br />and a half meters was used to simulate instantaneous plume dispersion upon release. An urban <br />meteorological setting was selected with model -default inputs for wind speed and direction distribution. <br />The AERSCREEN model generates maximum reasonable estimates of single -hour DPM concentrations <br />from the Project site. EPA guidance suggests that in screening procedures, the annualized average <br />22 "Risk Assessment Guidelines Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments." OEHHA, February <br />2015, available at: htti):// spots/2015/2015GuidanceManual.pdf <br />23 CAPCOA (July 2009) Health Risk Assessments for Proposed Land Use Projects, htti):// <br />content/uploads/2012/03/CAPCOA HRA LU Guidelines 8-6-09.pdf. <br />16 <br />75C-91 <br />