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generate 1,112 daily vehicle trips, or 1,171 daily vehicle trips without the non -auto trip adjustment, <br />which will generate additional exhaust emissions and continue to expose nearby sensitive receptors to <br />DPM emissions (Appendix F, p. 10, Table 5-1). Furthermore, the omission of a quantified operational <br />HRA is inconsistent with the most recent guidance published by the Office of Environmental Health <br />Hazard Assessment ("OEHHA"). The OEHHA document recommends that exposure from projects lasting <br />more than 6 months be evaluated for the duration of the project, and recommends that an exposure <br />duration of 30 years be used to estimate individual cancer risk for the maximally exposed individual <br />resident ("MEIR").'9 Even though we were not provided with the expected lifetime of the Project, we <br />can reasonably assume that the Project will operate for at least 30 years, if not more. Therefore, we <br />recommend that health risk impacts from Project operation also be evaluated, as a 30-year exposure <br />duration vastly exceeds the 6-month requirement set forth by OEHHA. These recommendations reflect <br />the most recent state health risk policies, and as such, we recommend that an updated assessment of <br />health risk impacts posed to nearby sensitive receptors from Project operation be included in an EIR for <br />the Project. <br />Fourth, by claiming a less than significant impact without conducting a quantified HRA to disclose the <br />exposure levels to nearby, existing sensitive receptors as a result of Project construction and operation, <br />the Addendum fails to compare the excess health risk to the SCAQMD's specific numeric threshold of 10 <br />in one million.20 Thus, the Addendum cannot conclude less than significant health risk impacts resulting <br />from Project construction and operation without quantifying emissions to compare to the proper <br />threshold. <br />Screening -Level Analysis Demonstrates Significant Impacts <br />In an effort to accurately estimate the emissions associated with the Project, we prepared an updated <br />CaIEEMod model, using the Project -specific information provided by the Addendum. In our updated <br />model, we corrected the CO2 intensity factor, residential land use size, and operational vehicle trip rates; <br />proportionally revised the construction phase lengths to achieve an overall construction period of 21 <br />months; and omitted the unsubstantiated construction -related and operational mitigation measures. <br />Utilizing our updated model, and in an effort to demonstrate the potential health risk posed by Project <br />construction and operation to nearby, existing sensitive receptors utilizing a site -specific emissions <br />estimates, we prepared a simple screening -level HRA. The results of our assessment as described below, <br />demonstrate that the proposed Project may result in a significant impact not previously identified or <br />addressed in the Addendum. <br />In order to conduct our screening -level risk assessment we relied upon AERSCREEN, which is a screening <br />level air quality dispersion model." The model replaced SCREEN3, and AERSCREEN is included in the <br />19 "Risk Assessment Guidelines Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments." OEHHA, February <br />2015, available at: spots/2015/2015GuidanceManual.pdf, p. 8-6, 8-15 <br />21 "South Coast AQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds." SCAQMD, April 2019, available at: <br />htti)://www.a a m ocs/defa ul t-source/cea a/hand book/scan and -a i r-a ua I ity-si gni fi ca nce-threshold s. pd f. <br />21 U.S. EPA (April 2011) AERSCREEN Released as the EPA Recommended Screening Model, <br /> AERSCREEN Release Memo.pdf <br />15 <br />75C-90 <br />