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ER No. 2018-83, GPA No. 2020-04, AA No. 2020-02 & TTM No. 2019-02 <br />October 26, 2020 <br />Page 5 <br />The project supports several goals and policies of the Housing Element. First, the project will be <br />consistent with Goal 2, which encourages diversity of quality housing, affordability levels, and living <br />experiences that accommodate Santa Ana's residents and workforce of all household types, <br />income levels and age groups to foster an inclusive community. The proposed project will <br />encourage the construction of entry level housing that will provide an opportunity for home <br />ownership. Second, the project would support Goal 4, to provide adequate rental and ownership <br />housing opportunities and supportive services. Further, the project would be consistent with Policy <br />HE-2.4 to facilitate diverse types, prices and sizes of housing. The project would also be consistent <br />with goals of the Land Use Element, including Goal 1 to promote a balance of land uses to address <br />basic community needs, and Goal 6 to reduce residential overcrowding by promoting public health <br />and safety. The proposed project will provide additional market rate housing in the City, thereby <br />assisting in addressing the shortage of available housing within the region. <br />Amendment Application (zone Change) <br />The applicant is also requesting to change the zoning designation of the property from General <br />Agricultural (Al) to Two -Family Residence (R2). The R2 zoning designation is the appropriate <br />designation for the subject site, which allows for duplexes and similar medium -density residential <br />developments. In addition, staff is proposing to change the zoning designation of the surrounding <br />properties to make the general plan and zoning consistent, as shown on Map B below. As it is <br />unlikely that the existing uses will transition to agricultural related uses, a zone change is <br />appropriate. The subject site and surrounding properties include properties zoned Al, R2, and <br />Suburban Apartment (R4). In addition, the City is proposing to drop the Planned Residential <br />Development (PRD) suffixes for three properties in order to streamline redevelopment of such <br />properties, should they be redeveloped. The proposed AA for the entire area was discussed <br />during the Sunshine Ordinance community meeting and is analyzed in the prepared MND. <br />Map B: Existing (Left) and Proposed (Right) Zoning Designations <br />75D-62 <br />