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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BA90275-0048-437F-ACEC-13F73597F313 <br />Project Understanding <br />Understanding of Need (In General): <br />1. Proposal shall include an outline which <br />demonstrates the firm's understanding of <br />the work. <br />With a proactive, dedicated staff of highly experienced <br />interior architecture and design professionals, we are <br />focused on providing exceptional client service and <br />excellence in interior architecture and design while <br />assisting The City of Santa Ana in reaching its real <br />estate objectives. <br />Ware Malcomb will provide The City of Santa Ana <br />Space Planning and Architectural Services on an as - <br />needed or on -call basis for space planning and architectural services on a variety of projects. The areas <br />of responsibility for Ware Malcomb and its team of consultants shall include architectural, space planning, <br />structural, construction management, mechanical and electrical engineering, ADA survey, and move <br />management services. On an on -call, as -needed basis, Ware Malcomb will provide professional services <br />on specific, project -by -project basis, based on an agreed -upon scope of services and fees. All proposals, <br />plans, drawings, specifications, estimates, grant applications, and/or studies will be subject to the final <br />approval and satisfaction of the City of Santa Ana. <br />2. Anticipated approach, tasks necessary for successful completion, and deliverables. <br />Our approach and objective is to provide The City of Santa Ana with consistent design, service and speed <br />for every project. We incorporate this objective by defining and implementing specific procedural activities <br />and systems into all aspects of our service deliverables. Ware Malcomb is well -versed in effectively <br />managing multiple projects including the development of client -specific, centralized standards, as well as <br />other customized protocols, systems, processes and preferences. <br />Every project begins with thoroughly understanding our client's goals to provide the highest level of <br />service possible to achieve those goals. We believe the success of a project requires the Project Team to <br />function as a cohesive unit, all working towards the same ultimate goal. The cornerstone of this process <br />is communication, and the open exchange of information and ideas in a collaborative, focused forum <br />environment. We understand the importance of effective communication and will report regularly on issues <br />affecting design, construction budgets and schedules. At the commencement of each project we will meet <br />with The City of Santa Ana to understand protocol, visit the project site, establish regular communication <br />channels, verify team roles, and get a clear understanding of the project goals. <br />Y _ _ J"RIF,nALCOMB 04.20.2020 PAGE <br />