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comprehensive liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide to CITY at <br />least thirty (30) days written notice prior to cancellation; name CITY, its <br />officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, additional insured; and state <br />that such coverage is primary to any other coverage or self-insurance and <br />CITY. Governmental entities may provide proof of self-insurance. <br />(a) Such insurance shall: (1) name the City of Santa Ana, its officers, <br />agents, representatives, employees and volunteers as additional <br />insured's; (2) be primary with respect to insurance or self-insurance <br />programs maintained by the CITY; (3) contain standard separation of <br />insured's provisions; and (4) give to CITY prompt and timely notice of <br />claim made or suit instituted arising out of GRANTEE's operations <br />hereunder. <br />(b) GRANTEE shall: (1) prior to exercising any right under this <br />Agreement, furnish properly executed certificates of insurance and <br />additional insured endorsement to the CITY which shall clearly <br />evidence all coverages required above; (2) provide that such insurance <br />shall not be materially changed or terminated except on 30 days prior <br />written notice to the CITY; (3) maintain such insurance for the period <br />covered by this Agreement; and (4) replace such certificates for <br />policies expiring prior to the expiration of this Agreement. <br />(c) Certificates shall list the CITY as a Certificate Holder as follows: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Risk Management Division <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, 4th Floor <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />(ii) Automobile Liability Coverage. GRANTEE shall also obtain and <br />maintain, during the effective period of this Agreement, broad form <br />automobile liability coverage with a $1,000,000 limit unless reduced by <br />CITY, which applies to both owned/leased and non -owned automobiles <br />used by GRANTEE employees or participants in performance of this <br />Agreement, or, in the event that GRANTEE will not utilize such <br />owned/leased automobiles but intends to require employees, participants <br />or other agents to utilize their own automobiles in the performance of this <br />Agreement, GRANTEE shall secure and maintain on file from all such <br />employees, participants, or agents as self -certification of automobile <br />insurance coverage. Governmental entities may provide proof of self- <br />insurance. <br />(iii) Workers' Compensation. If GRANTEE is an "employer", as set forth <br />in California Labor Code Section 3300 et seq., or utilizes participants as <br />"employees," as set forth in California Labor Code Section 3350 et seq., <br />GRANTEE shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this <br />Agreement full Workers' Compensation insurance coverage for injuries <br />suffered by participants. Said insurance policy shall guarantee CITY at <br />least thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or modification. <br />M <br />