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(iv) Proof of Insurance. Certificates and endorsements must be submitted <br />and approved by CITY prior to any work under this Agreement. <br />GRANTEE understands that CITY will make no payments under this <br />Agreement until the required certificates and endorsements have been <br />approved by CITY. <br />D. Entire Agreement: Amendments: This Agreement constitutes the entire <br />agreement among the Parties as to the Grant and may not be amended or <br />modified, except in writing signed by each of the Parties. The GRANTEE <br />may not assign or transfer its rights and interests in this Agreement to any <br />other person, business or entity. <br />E. No Third -Party Beneficiaries: This Agreement is not intended to create any <br />rights or benefits for a person or entity who is not a Party, whether as a third - <br />party beneficiary or otherwise. <br />F. Governing Laws: Venue: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of <br />the State of California. Any legal action related to the performance or <br />interpretation of this Agreement shall be filed only in the Superior Court of <br />the State of California located in Orange, California, and the Parties waive <br />any provision of law providing for a change of venue to another location. In <br />the event any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent <br />jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions <br />will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated <br />in anyway. <br />G. Severability: If any term of this Agreement is held by a court of competent <br />jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the other provisions will <br />remain in force to the extent practicable and taking into consideration the <br />purposes of this Agreement. <br />H. Interpretation: The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance <br />with the meaning of the language used and not for or against any Party by <br />reason of the authorship or any other rule of construction that might <br />otherwise apply. The Section headings are for purposes of convenience only <br />and shall not be construed to limit or extend the meaning of this Agreement. <br />I. Attorney's Fees: Each Party shall pay its own attorney's fees. <br />J. Business Day Convention: If the date of any required action falls upon a <br />weekend day or a holiday when the CITY is not open for business, the <br />required action may be deferred to the next business day. <br />K. Force Maieure: No Party will be held responsible for failing to perform its <br />responsibilities under this Agreement if the failure results from any act of <br />nature or other cause that is beyond the reasonable control of the Party and <br />that makes performance impossible or illegal. <br />L. Record Retention: Unless otherwise required by applicable law or regulation, <br />the CITY will keep records that the GRANTEE submits to the CITY pursuant <br />to this Agreement five years from December 30, 2020. <br />