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EXHIBIT B <br />BUDGET / INVOICING <br />A. The City shall pay the Contractor for the services set forth in Attachment A. The agreed upon <br />program funds will be payable immediately upon Contractor invoicing after successful <br />completion of the first day of operation. <br />B. Taxpayer ID Number: The Contractor shall include its taxpayer ID number on all invoices <br />submitted to the City for payment to ensure compliance with IRS requirements and to expedite <br />payment processing. <br />C. Payment — Invoicing Instructions: The Contractor will provide an invoice on the Contractor's <br />letterhead for goods delivered and/or services rendered. Each invoice will have a number and <br />will include the following information: <br />1. Contractor's name and address <br />2. Contractor's remittance address <br />3. Contractor's Taxpayer 1D Number <br />4. Name of City Agency/Department <br />5. Delivery/service address <br />6. Agency/Department's Account Number, if applicable <br />7. Date of invoice <br />8. Product/service description, quantity, and prices <br />9. Sales tax, if applicable <br />10. Freight/delivery charges, if applicable <br />11. Total <br />The responsibility for providing acceptable invoices to City for payment rests with <br />Contractor. Incomplete or incorrect invoices are not acceptable and shall be returned to <br />Contractor. Invoice and support documentation are to be emailed to: <br />(City Contact) <br />D. Payment (Electronic Funds Transfer) <br />City offers Contractor the option of receiving payment directly to its bank account via all <br />Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) process in lieu of a check payment. Payment made via EFT shall <br />also receive an Electronic Remittance Advice with the payment details via email. An e-mail <br />address shall need to be provided to City via an EFT Authorization Form. Contractor may request <br />a form from the agency/department representative listed in the Contract. <br />22 <br />