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H. Contractor will provide properly licensed and qualified medical, administrative and support staff <br />in a sufficient amount to assure high quality services will be provided in a consistent and safe <br />manner. This includes, but is not limited to: <br />1. A full medical service team to handle collections, securing specimens, and transporting <br />specimens to labs. <br />2. Registration support staff to ensure a smooth registration system to get residents through <br />collection lines in a timely manner. <br />J. Contractor will assure proper consenting of patients and required notifications are provided to <br />patients <br />K. Information will be provided to all patients regarding COVID-19, the test, the importance <br />of isolation and quarantine, and community resources. City will provide materials. <br />L. Written and verbal communications shall be available (minimally) in English, Spanish <br />and Vietnamese, and ideally in Chinese (simplified), Arabic, Korean and Farsi. City <br />can assist with translation. <br />M. Contractor will assure patients are provide results in a timely, accurate and confidential <br />manner and will attempt to contact by phone anyone receiving positive results in order to <br />provide follow up instructions and resources. Interpreter services shall be utilized for <br />calls as needed. <br />N. Contractor will notify the City about any promotional materials, media <br />inquiries or other public communication, including communication with elected officials in a <br />timely manner. <br />O. Contractor will provide a daily report of the number of tests conducted and weekly <br />summary of tests conducted and positive results received for the week and cumulatively <br />for each site. <br />Additional terms: <br />A. Contractor is solely responsible for the testing services and assuring all services are compliant <br />with laws and public health and medical standards. <br />B. All locations and facility -associated expenses must be agreed upon by both parties. <br />C. Any substantive changes to scheduling, capacity, service model, laboratory services (including <br />tests utilized and specimen collection type), registration processes, staffing composition, and any <br />other factor with potential to impact the quality or quantity of services, need to be agreed to by <br />both parties prior to implementation. <br />D. Any unforeseen circumstances causing a disruption in service should be reported immediately to <br />the partners and Contractor shall notify anyone with an impacted appointment as soon as possible <br />and reschedule them to the extent possible. <br />E. Either party may terminate this agreement with two week's written notice for any reason. <br />F. The City reserves the right to terminate the agreement immediately for any violation of the <br />agreement deemed by the City to create risk to the public or City. <br />G. Any substantive changes to funding availability that threaten the ability of Contractor to perform <br />agreed upon services shall be discussed immediately with the City and Contractor may terminate <br />services with less than two weeks' notice, if needed. <br />H. Non substantive changes may be made to the description of services upon mutual agreement of <br />both parties. <br />21 <br />