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THE <br />HARTFORD <br />But if Earth Movement, as described in Paragraphs (1) through (4) above, results in fire or explosion damage <br />to Covered Property, we will pay for the physical loss or physical damage to Covered Property caused by that <br />fire or explosion. <br />(5) Volcanic eruption, explosion or effusion. But if volcanic eruption, explosion or effusion results in fire or <br />volcanic action damage to Covered Property, we will pay for the physical loss or physical damage caused <br />by that fire or volcanic action. <br />Volcanic action means direct physical loss or direct physical damage resulting from the eruption of a <br />volcano when the direct physical loss or direct physical damage is caused by: <br />(a) Airborne volcanic blast or airborne shock waves; <br />(b) Ash, dust, or particulate matter; or <br />(c) Lava flow. <br />With respect to coverage for volcanic action as set forth in 5(a) through 5(c) above, all volcanic eruptions <br />that occur within any 168-hour period will constitute a single occurrence. <br />Volcanic action does not include the cost to remove ash, dust, or particulate matter that does not cause <br />direct physical loss or direct physical damage to Covered Property. <br />This Exclusion applies regardless of whether any of the above, in Paragraphs (1) through (5), is caused by <br />weather, an act of nature or by an artificial, man-made or other cause. <br />b. Governmental Action <br />Seizure or destruction of property by order of governmental authority. <br />But we will pay for direct physical loss or direct physical damage to Covered Property caused by or resulting <br />from acts of destruction ordered by governmental authority and taken at the time of a fire to prevent its <br />spread, if the fire would be covered under this Coverage Part. <br />c. Nuclear Hazard <br />(1) Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, however caused, whether intentional or <br />unintentional. This includes, but is not limited to, the release, dispersal or application of radioactive <br />material, or the use of a nuclear weapon or device that involves or produces a nuclear reaction, nuclear <br />radiation or radioactive contamination or radioactive force. <br />(2) When state standard fire policy law requires that we cover any resulting fire damage, we will pay only for <br />the resulting damage to Covered Property caused by that resulting fire, if the fire would be covered under <br />this Coverage Part. We will pay only the actual cash value for the damaged property. Therefore, we will <br />not pay for any indirect or related loss(es), such as Business Income, Extra Expense, legal liability, or <br />leasehold interest loss(es). <br />d. Utility Services <br />The failure of "communication supply services", "power supply services", "wastewater removal services", <br />"water supply services" or other utility service supplied to the "scheduled premises", however caused, if the <br />failure: <br />(1) Originates away from the "scheduled premises"; or <br />(2) Originates at the "scheduled premises" but only if such failure involves equipment used to supply the <br />utility service to the "scheduled premises" from a source away from the "scheduled premises". <br />Failure of any utility service includes lack of sufficient capacity and reduction in supply necessary to maintain <br />normal "operations". <br />But if physical loss or physical damage to Covered Property by a Covered Cause of Loss results, we will pay <br />for that resulting physical loss or physical damage. <br />e. War and Military Action <br />(1) War, including undeclared or civil war; <br />(2) Hostile or warlike action, in time of peace or war, including action in hindering, combating or defending <br />against an actual or expected attack, by any of the following: <br />ew cF RAMwagzmedDMsian <br />Form SP 00 00 10 18/°x ►��exrr & APPROVED BY.- <br />© 2018, The Hartford .. v <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with itsr Wsk Pjanagement Analpt <br />