<br />(a) The building or structure first sustains physical damage by a Covered Cause of Loss to its roof or
<br />walls through which the rain, snow, sleet, ice, sand or dust enters; or
<br />(b) The loss or damage is caused by or results from thawing of snow, sleet, or ice on the building or
<br />structure.
<br />b. Pets and animals are covered only if they are:
<br />(1) Stolen; or
<br />(2) Their destruction is made necessary by or are killed by a "specified cause of loss".
<br />c. For direct physical loss or direct physical damage by theft, the following types of property are covered only up
<br />to the limits shown:
<br />(1) $2,500 for furs, fur garments and garments trimmed with fur;
<br />(2) $5,000 for jewelry, watches, watch movements, jewels, pearls, precious and semi-precious stones,
<br />bullion, gold, silver, platinum and other precious alloys or metals. This limit does not apply to jewelry and
<br />watches worth $500 or less per item;
<br />(3) $2,500 for patterns, dies, molds and forms; and
<br />(4) $500 for stamps, lottery tickets held for sale and letters of credit.
<br />d. We will not pay for loss or damage to lawns, trees, shrubs or plants which are part of a vegetated roof,
<br />caused by or resulting from:
<br />(1) Dampness or dryness of atmosphere or of soil supporting the vegetation;
<br />(2) Changes in or extremes of temperature;
<br />(3) Frost or hail; or
<br />(4) Rain, snow, ice or sleet.
<br />e. The most we will pay for direct physical loss or direct physical damage to outdoor signs attached to buildings
<br />is $5,000 per sign in any one occurrence.
<br />5. Additional Coverages
<br />Additional Coverages may be attached to this Coverage Part by endorsement and would be shown in the
<br />Declarations. Unless otherwise stated, the Limits of Insurance available under these Additional Coverages are
<br />subject to and not in addition to the Limits of Insurance in this Coverage Form.
<br />6. Coverage Extensions
<br />Coverage Extensions may be attached to this Coverage Part by endorsement and would be shown in the
<br />Declarations. Unless otherwise stated, the Limits of Insurance available under these Coverage Extensions are in
<br />addition to the Limits of Insurance in this Coverage Form.
<br />1. We will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by any of the following. Such loss or damage is
<br />excluded regardless of any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss.
<br />These exclusions apply whether or not the loss event results in widespread damage or affects a substantial area.
<br />a. Earth Movement
<br />(1) Earthquake, meaning a shaking or trembling of the earth's crust, including tremors and aftershocks,
<br />resulting in breaking, shifting, rising, settling, sinking or lateral movement;
<br />(2) Landslide, including any earth sinking, rising or shifting related to such event;
<br />(3) Mine subsidence, meaning subsidence of a man-made mine, whether or not mining activity has ceased;
<br />(4) Earth sinking (other than sinkhole collapse), rising or shifting including soil conditions which cause
<br />settling, cracking or other disarrangement of foundations or other parts of realty. Soil conditions include
<br />contraction, expansion, freezing, thawing, erosion, improperly compacted soil, and the action of water
<br />under the ground surface;
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<br />Form SP 00 00 10 18 J_/ ``x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY:
<br />© 2018, The Hartford ��' ., V
<br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with itsr RiskPjanagementAnalpt
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