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8/26/2021 11:38:02 AM
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2/22/2021 3:04:35 PM
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Parks, Recreation, & Community Services
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THE <br />HARTFORD <br />a. Weather Conditions <br />Weather conditions. This exclusion only applies if weather conditions contribute in any way with a cause or <br />event excluded in Paragraph B.1. above to produce the physical loss or physical damage. <br />b. Acts or Decisions <br />Acts or decisions, including the failure to act or decide, of any person, group, organization or governmental <br />body. <br />c. Negligent Work <br />Faulty, inadequate or defective: <br />(1) Planning, zoning, development, surveying, siting; <br />(2) Design, specifications, workmanship, repair, construction, renovation, remodeling, grading, compaction; <br />(3) Materials used in repair, construction, renovation or remodeling; or <br />(4) Maintenance <br />of part or all of any property on or off the "scheduled premises". <br />4. Loss Or Damage To Products <br />We will not pay for loss or damage to any merchandise, goods or other product caused by or resulting from error <br />or omission by any person or entity (including those having possession under an arrangement where work or a <br />portion of the work is outsourced) in any stage of the development, production or use of the product, including <br />planning, testing, processing, packaging, installation, maintenance or repair. This exclusion applies to any effect <br />that compromises the form, substance or quality of the product. But if such error or omission results in direct <br />physical loss or direct physical damage to Covered Property by a Covered Cause of Loss, we will pay for the <br />direct physical loss or direct physical damage caused by that Covered Cause of Loss. <br />5. Testing of Certain Types of Property <br />We will not pay for loss or damage caused by or resulting from any of the following tests: <br />(a) A hydrostatic, pneumatic or gas pressure test of any boiler or pressure vessel; or <br />(b) An insulation breakdown test of any type of electrical equipment. <br />But if direct physical loss or direct physical damage to Covered Property by a "specified cause of loss" results, we <br />will pay for the resulting direct physical loss or direct physical damage caused by that "specified cause of loss." <br />C. LIMITS OF INSURANCE <br />1. The most we will pay for loss or damage in any one occurrence is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown in the <br />Declarations. <br />2. Building Limit -Automatic Increase <br />a. If covered loss or damage to Building property at a "scheduled premises" exceeds the Limit of Insurance <br />stated in the Declarations, the Limit of Insurance available for the covered loss or damage to Building property <br />in that occurrence will automatically increase by up to 8%. <br />b. The amount of increase will be: <br />(1) The Limit of Insurance for Buildings that applied on the most recent of the: <br />(a) Coverage Part inception date <br />(b) Coverage Part anniversary date; or <br />(c) The date of any other Coverage Part change amending the Building Limit, <br />multiplied by <br />(2) The 8% annualized percentage of Automatic Increase, expressed as a decimal (.08), multiplied by <br />(3) The number of days since the beginning of the current policy period or the effective date of the most <br />recent Coverage Part change amending the Limit of Insurance for Buildings, divided by 365. <br />ew cF RAMwagmedDMsian <br />Form SP 00 00 10 18 J_/ ``x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: <br />© 2018, The Hartford ��' ., V <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with itsr RiskPjanagementAnalpt <br />
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