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THE <br />HARTFORD <br />Example: <br />The applicable Limit of Insurance for Buildings is $100,000. The Automatic Increase percentage is 8%. The <br />number of days since the beginning of the policy period (or last Coverage Part change) is 146. <br />The amount of the increase is: <br />($100,000 x .08 x 146) divided by 365 = $3,200 <br />3. Business Personal Property Limit - Seasonal Increase <br />a. If covered loss or damage to Business Personal Property exceeds the Limit of Insurance stated in the <br />Declarations, the Limit of Insurance for Business Personal Property will automatically increase by the <br />percentage shown in the Declarations to provide for seasonal variations. <br />b. This increase will apply only if all Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations for Business Personal <br />Property at the "scheduled premises" is at least 100% of your average monthly values during the lesser of: <br />(1) The 12 months immediately preceding the date the physical loss or physical damage occurs; or <br />(2) The period of time you have been in business as of the date the physical loss or physical damage occurs. <br />D. DEDUCTIBLES <br />1. We will not pay for loss or damage in any one occurrence until the amount of loss or damage exceeds the <br />Coverage Part Deductible shown in the Declarations. We will then pay the amount of loss or damage in excess of <br />the Coverage Part Deductible up to the applicable Limit of Insurance. <br />2. Unless a separate Deductible is indicated, the Deductible applicable to the Additional Coverages and Coverage <br />Extensions is the Coverage Part Deductible. <br />3. Each Deductible applicable to this Coverage Part shall be applied separately but only to the coverage specified, <br />and the total Deductible for all losses in any one occurrence shall be the highest Deductible amount that applies <br />to the occurrence. <br />E. PROPERTY LOSS CONDITIONS <br />1. Abandonment <br />There can be no abandonment of any property to us. <br />2. Appraisal <br />If we and you disagree on the amount of loss, either may make written demand for an appraisal of the loss. In that <br />event, each party will select a competent and impartial appraiser. The two appraisers will select an umpire. If the <br />appraisers cannot agree on an umpire, we or you, after providing notice to the other party, may request that <br />selection be made by a judge of a court having jurisdiction. The appraisers will state separately the amount of <br />loss. <br />If they fail to agree, they will submit their differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by any two will be <br />binding. Each party will: <br />a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and <br />b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and umpire equally. <br />If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our right to deny the claim. <br />3. Duties In The Event Of Loss Or Damage <br />a. You must see that the following are done in the event of loss of or damage to Covered Property: <br />(1) Notify the police if a law may have been broken. <br />(2) Give us prompt notice of the loss or damage. Include a description of the property involved. <br />(3) As soon as possible, give us description of how, when and where the loss or damage occurred. <br />(4) Take all reasonable steps to protect the Covered Property from further damage. If feasible, set the <br />damaged property aside in the best possible order for examination. Also, keep a record of your expenses <br />for emergency and temporary repairs, for consideration in the settlement of the claim. <br />This will not increase the Limits of Insurance. w RAMwagementDMsian <br />Form SP 00 00 10 18 �_% Nq REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: <br />© 2018, The Hartford .. v <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with itsr Wsk Pjanagement Analpt <br />