<br />THE
<br />The appraised values of buildings at the time of loss are: Building #1 is $500,000; Building #2 is
<br />$500,000; and, Building #3 is $1,000,000.
<br />Buildings #1 and #2 have sustained damage. The amounts of loss to these buildings are: $40,000 for
<br />Building #1 and $20,000 for Building #2.
<br />The Windstorm or Hail Percentage Deductible is 2%.
<br />(a) Building #1
<br />Step (1): $500,000 X 2% = $10,000
<br />Step (2): $40,000 - $10,000 = $30,000
<br />(b) Building #2
<br />Step (1): $500,000 X 2% = $10,000
<br />Step (2): $20,000 - $10,000 = $10,000
<br />The most we will pay is $40,000 ($30,000 + $10,000). That portion of the total loss not covered due to
<br />application of the Windstorm or Hail Percentage Deductible is $20,000 ($10,000 + $10,000).
<br />(5) Example #5 — Blanket Insurance
<br />Building and Business Personal Property for Building #1 and Building and Business Personal Property for
<br />Building #2 are shown in the Declarations as included under the Blanket Insurance for Buildings and
<br />Business Personal Property with a Limit of Insurance of $1,500,000.
<br />The appraised values of Buildings and Business Personal Property at the time of loss are: Building #1:
<br />Building value is $500,000 and Business Personal Property value is $250,000; Building #2: Building value
<br />is $500,000 and Business Personal Property value is $250,000.
<br />Building #1 and Business Personal Property at Building #1 have sustained damage. The amount of loss
<br />to the Building is $95,000 and Business Personal Property is $5,000.
<br />The Windstorm or Hail Percentage Deductible is 5%.
<br />(a) Building
<br />Step (1): $500,000 X 5% = $25,000
<br />Step (2): $95,000 - $25,000 = $70,000
<br />(b) Business Personal Property
<br />Step (1): $250,000 X 5% = $12,500
<br />The Business Personal Property loss, $5,000, does not exceed the Windstorm or Hail Percentage
<br />Deductible.
<br />The most we will pay is $70,000. The remainder of the building loss, $25,000, is not covered due to the
<br />application of the Windstorm or Hail Percentage Deductible. There is no loss payment for the Business
<br />Personal Property.
<br />eGF �D
<br />Form SP 10 06 10 18 ��/ 1°x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY.-
<br />© 2018, The Hartford
<br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its 1— ---- r skPjanagementAnalpt
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