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THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />THE <br />HARTFORD <br />PERILS SPECIFICALLY EXCEPTED <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />SPECIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM <br />Except as otherwise stated in this endorsement, the terms and conditions of the Policy apply. <br />As used herein, peril means a cause of physical loss or damage to property. It has this meaning whether or not it is called <br />a peril or a cause of loss in this Coverage Part. <br />A. The following is added to Section B., EXCLUSIONS: <br />Perils Specifically Excepted <br />Even if any of the terms of this Coverage Part might be construed otherwise, the following perils, as described in <br />Paragraphs a. and b. below, are SPECIFICALLY EXCEPTED FROM THIS COVERAGE PART. <br />WE DO NOT COVER OR INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CAUSED BY, <br />RESULTING FROM, CONTRIBUTED TO OR AGGRAVATED BY, OR WHICH WOULD NOT HAVE <br />OCCURRED BUT FOR, EITHER OF THESE PERILS: <br />a. ACTS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS <br />(1) Acts, errors or omissions by you or others in: <br />(a) Planning, zoning, developing, surveying, testing or siting property; <br />(b) Establishing or enforcing any building code, or any standard, ordinance or law about the construction, <br />use or repair of any property or materials, or requiring the tearing down of any property, including the <br />removal of its debris; <br />(c) The design, specifications, workmanship, repair, construction, renovation, remodeling, grading or <br />compaction of all or any part of the following: <br />(i) Land or buildings or other structures; <br />(ii) Roads, water or gas mains, sewers, drainage ditches, levees, dams, or other facilities; or <br />(iii) Other improvements or changes in or additions to land or other property. <br />(d) The furnishing of work, materials, parts or equipment in connection with the design, specifications, <br />workmanship, repair, construction, renovation, remodeling, grading or compaction of any of the above <br />property or facilities; or <br />(e) The maintenance of any of such property or facilities. <br />(2) This exception applies whether or not the property or facilities described above are covered: <br />(a) Under this Coverage Part; or <br />(b) On or away from the "scheduled premises". <br />This exception does not reduce the insurance for loss or damage caused directly by a "covered peril'. <br />b. COLLAPSE, "CRACKING' OR "SHIFTING' <br />(1) Collapse, "cracking" or "shifting" of buildings, other structures or facilities, or their parts, if the collapse, <br />"cracking" or "shifting": <br />(a) Occurs during "earth movement," "volcanic eruption" or "flood" conditions or within 72 hours after they <br />cease; and <br />(b) Would not have occurred but for "earth movement," "volcanic eruption" or "flood." <br />(2) If loss or damage by a "covered peril' ensues at the "scheduled premises", we will pay for that ensuing <br />loss or damage. <br />eGF �D <br />Form SP 20 08 10 18 ��/ 1°x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY.- <br />© 2018, The Hartford <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its 1— -- P r skPjanagementAnalpt <br />