(1) Educator. A person who works at a school in the City of Santa Ana as an employee or an
<br />independent contractor of the school or of the governing body that has jurisdiction over the
<br />school, including, without limitation, all teachers, classroom aides, administrators, administrative
<br />staff, counselors, security guards, cafeteria workers, community relations specialists, child
<br />welfare, and attendance liaisons, and learning support consultants.
<br />(m) Fair Return. A Fair Return shall be determined by using the maintenance of net operating
<br />income (MNOI) standard as outlined in Section 13 herein.
<br />(n) Hearing Officer. An official appointed by the Rent Board to conduct an investigation or
<br />administrative hearing pursuant to this Chapter.
<br />(o) Homeowner. A person or entity, such as a mortgagor or a lender, who has an interest in a
<br />home of at least 50% ownership interest.
<br />(p) Mobilehome Owner. A person who owns their Mobilehome and who has a tenancy in a
<br />Mobilehome Park under a Rental Agreement.
<br />(q) Housing Services. Housing Services include, but are not limited to, repairs, maintenance,
<br />painting, providing light, hot and cold water, elevator service, window shades and screens,
<br />storage, kitchen, bath and laundry facilities and privileges, janitor services, Utility Charges that
<br />are paid by the Landlord, refuse removal, furnishings, telephone, parking, the right to have a
<br />specified number of occupants, and any other benefit, privilege, arrangement or facility provided
<br />or contracted for in connection with the use or occupancy of any Rental Unit. Housing Services
<br />to a Rental Unit shall include a proportionate part of services provided to common facilities of
<br />the building in which the Rental Unit is contained.
<br />(r) Individual Rent Adjustment. An adjustment to the otherwise lawful Rent that is authorized
<br />by a Hearing Officer or the Rent Board pursuant to this Chapter.
<br />(s) Immigration or Citizenship Status. For purposes of this chapter, "immigration or
<br />citizenship status" includes a perception that the person has a particular immigration or
<br />citizenship status, or that person is associated with a person who has, or is perceived to have, a
<br />particular immigration or citizenship status.
<br />(t) Landlord. An owner, lessor, sublessor or any other person entitled to receive Rent for the use
<br />and occupancy of any Rental Unit, or an agent, representative, predecessor, or successor of any
<br />of the foregoing.
<br />(u) Landlord's Family Member. A Landlord's parent, child, spouse or registered domestic
<br />partner, parent(s) (age 62 or over), child or children, brother, or sister.
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