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Cumulative Projects. Kimley-Horn clearly states the cumulative analysis methodology, which is based <br />on information gathered from several sources. We often recommend using both methods set forth In <br />Section 1513O(b) of the CEQA Guidelines which allows the use of a list of past, present, and reasonably <br />anticipated future projects that could produce cumulative impacts, or a summary of projections contained <br />within an adopted general plan or related planning document that considers regional conditions. If agreed <br />by the City, each section of the EIR will include its own cumulative impact analysis. This is our preferred <br />format because each topical area will have its own applicable cumulative area for consideration. For <br />instance, for air quality, the applicable cumulative area under consideration is the South Coast Air Basin, <br />whereas the area of consideration for education is limited to the two school districts that serve Santa Ana <br />students. <br />Environmental Analysis. For each topical issue addressed, the EIR will contain a discussion of the <br />following: analysis methods; physical environment in the project area; regulatory framework applicable to <br />the project; thresholds of significance based on the City's environmental checklist; significant direct and <br />indirect environmental effects; mitigation measures; and the level of significance prior to and after any <br />mitigation. The EIR will clearly identify significant environmental effects anticipated for each <br />environmental issue. If desired, the EIR will differentiate among features of the Project Design Features <br />(e.g., project components intended to preclude the occurrence of impacts); Regulatory Requirements <br />(e.g., codes, regulations, and other requirements that would apply to a project regardless of CEQA); and <br />mitigation measures (e.g., measures required to reduce an environmental impact). For each topical issue, <br />the EIR will identify the level of significance prior to and after mitigation, based on the established <br />thresholds. Project effects that cannot be mitigated to a level considered less than significant are <br />identified. Kimley-Horn can provide the following analyses that are applicable to projects in the <br />City of Santa Ana: <br />AestheticsNisual Impact Analysis (including <br />visual simulations, shade/shadow analyses, and <br />project renderings) <br />» Agricultural Resources <br />Air Quality and Health Risk Assessments <br />» Biological Resources <br />Cultural Resources (with subconsultants) <br />» Tribal Cultural Resources Including AS 52 and <br />SB 18 consultation <br />» Geology and Soils (with subconsultants) <br />» Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Energy <br />Hazards and Hazardous Materials (including <br />Phase I Environmental Site Assessments) <br />» Hydrology and Drainage <br />» Land Use and Planning <br />» Noise and Vibration <br />» Population, Housing, and Employment <br />n Public Services and Utilities/Service Systems <br />(including infrastructure planning and design) <br />n Recreation (including landscape plans, trail <br />plans, and park master plans) <br />» Transportation and Parking <br />» Water Quality <br />Alternatives. Consistent with CEQA Guidelines requirements, the EIR will include a reasonable range <br />of alternatives qualitatively and/or quantitively comparing the environmental impacts of each alternative <br />to the proposed project. Kimley-Horn will work with City staff to identify an appropriate range of <br />alternatives. The evaluation for each alternative will include a summary statement identifying the <br />feasibility of implementing the alternative and the alternative's ability to meet project objectives. <br />Alternatives considered but eliminated from further consideration will also be documented. The <br />Alternatives section will identify the environmentally superior alternative in accordance with CEQA <br />requirements. <br />Response to Comments. Kimley-Horn develops appropriate, fact -based responses to environmental <br />comments provided on an EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration. Comment letters will be bracketed into <br />discrete questions for response. Where multiple comments are received on the same Issues, topical <br />responses will be prepared. The Responses to Comments section will include an introduction describing <br />the public review process; a list of commenters; and copies of all written comments and minutes from <br />public hearings where comments were received; written responses to environmental comments; and an <br />Errata, if needed. Responses to comments are finalized upon receipt of City comments. <br />City of Santa Ana Planning Division I <br />EVOC77014.2020 <br />KimleyoHorn <br />