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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP); Findings of Fact <br />and Statement of Overriding Consideration <br />Kimley-Horn will develop MMRPs using the City's format and will clearly identify all components of the <br />Mitigation Program, responsible parties, and a timeframe for implementation. We can also prepare Findings <br />of Facts and Statements of Overriding Considerations if necessary and appropriate for the document type. <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Preparation (IS/MND) <br />Kimley-Horn's approach to preparing key sections of an IS/MND is similar to our approach to an EIR <br />preparation, although the amount of detail in the existing conditions and impact analyses is appropriately <br />reduced to address the specifics of the project. Sections not required for an IS/MND include, but are not <br />limited to, a discussion of the project objectives, the alternatives analyses, discussions of significant <br />irreversible impacts, growth -inducing impacts, and the cumulative analyses (except where explicitly <br />required by a threshold of significance). <br />Addendum Preparation <br />An addendum can be prepared to a previous EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration. The State CEQA <br />Guidelines, Section 15164, provides general guidance regarding addendums; however, it defers to CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15162 to determine whether circumstances warrant the preparation of additional CEQA <br />documentation. Pursuant to Section 15162(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines, additional CEQA <br />documentation beyond an addendum would only be required if the proposed project creates new significant <br />impacts or impacts that are more severe than those disclosed in previous CEQA document. This finding <br />must consider factors such as changes in the scope of the proposed project; any changes in surrounding <br />circumstances that have occurred since the Final EIR was certified; and the discovery of new information <br />that was not known at the time the EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared. The addendum <br />test is the ability to provide substantial evidence showing that the proposed project would not create new <br />significant adverse impacts or increase the severity of a significant adverse impact identified in the previous <br />CEQA document. <br />CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 Analysis Preparation <br />The State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 allows for a streamlined environmental review process for <br />projects that are consistent with the densities established by existing zoning, community plan, or general <br />plan policies for which an EIR was certified. Under CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, a subsequent <br />project is relieved from further environmental review if it meets the criteria of Section 15183(c): all <br />significant impacts were either addressed in a prior EIR or can be substantially mitigated by the <br />imposition of uniformly applied development policies or standards. The analysis demonstrates and/or <br />validates that there are no site -specific or cumulative impacts associated with the project that have not <br />already been fully addressed in a previous environmental document or cannot be substantially mitigated <br />through the application of uniformly applied standards and policies that would be applied to the project. <br />All project requirements are identified in the analysis and are made a condition of project approval. <br />Categorical Exemption Preparation <br />Kimley-Horn will work with City staff to determine which State CEQA Guidelines exemption classification <br />would be appropriate for the project. Most typically, documentation is prepared to support a Section <br />15301: Class 1: Existing Facilities; Section 15302: Replacement or Reconstruction; Section 15302: <br />Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures; Section 15304: Class 4, Minor Alterations <br />to Land; and Section 15332: Class 32, In -Fill Development Projects. <br />Notices and Distribution of Documents <br />Kimley-Horn can prepare all necessary CEQA notices, including Notices of Preparation, Notices <br />of Availability, Notices of Completion, and Notices of Determination. We can be responsible for all <br />reproduction and distribution of documents. We will also provide the environmental documents in <br />a web -ready format for use by the City. <br />City of Santa Ana Planning Division I <br />Evoc77014.2020 <br />KimleyoHorn <br />