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Recommended Action: Award a blanket order contract for implementation of <br />additional security measures and maintenance repair services to Professional <br />Access CCTV & Electrical in the amount of $225,000 plus a contingency of $25,000, <br />for a total amount not to exceed $250,000 annually, for a one-year period beginning <br />September 1, 2021, and expiring August 31, 2022, with provisions for two, one-year <br />renewal options exercisable by the City Manager, subject to non -substantive changes <br />approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />19. Approve Appropriation Adjustment to Program Year 2021-22 Budget for the <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Programs (Non -General Fund) <br />Department(s): Community Development Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-022) <br />recognizing $2,464 in additional Dislocated Worker Title I Workforce Innovation and <br />Opportunity Act funds from Program Year 2020-21 in revenue account and <br />appropriating same to expenditure accounts for Program Year 2021-22. (Requires <br />five affirmative votes) <br />2. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-023) recognizing $15,000 in Title 1 <br />WIOA funds from the County of Orange for Regional Planning and Workforce Services <br />in revenue account and appropriate same to expenditure account expiring March 30, <br />2022. (Requires five affirmative votes) <br />3. Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizing (2022-023) $20,000 in Title 1 <br />WIOA funds from the County of Orange for Regional Planning and Workforce Services <br />in revenue account and appropriate same to expenditure account expiring September <br />30, 2022. (Requires five affirmative votes) <br />20. Approve an Appropriation Adjustment Accepting Orange County Transportation <br />Authority M2 Comprehensive Arterial Capacity Enhancement and Intersection <br />Capacity Enhancement Grant Funds in the Amount of $15,747,645 and Approve an <br />Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Capital Improvement Program (Project Nos. <br />15-6827, 17-6883, 18-6901) (Non -General Fund) <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-024) <br />recognizing $15,747,645 in Measure M2 Arterial Capacity Enhancement (ACE) and <br />Intersection Capacity Enhancement (ICE) grant funds into the Measure M-Street <br />Construction Fund, Measure M2 Competitive revenue account and appropriate the <br />same amount into the Measure M2 Competitive Street Construction Fund, <br />Improvements Other Than Building expenditure account. (Requires five affirmative <br />votes) <br />2. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Capital Improvement Program <br />(CIP) to add: $1,012,500 in Measure M2 Competitive ICE funding for the construction <br />phase of the Bristol Street/Memory Lane Intersection Improvements project (17-6883); <br />$5,658,840 in Measure M2 Competitive ICE funding to the Fairview Bridqe and <br />Page 10 of 22 8/17/2021 <br />