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Street Improvements from gth Street to 16th Street project (15-6827) for the right-of- <br />way and construction phases; and $9,076,305 in Measure M2 Competitive ACE <br />funding for the construction phase of the Warner Avenue Improvements from Oak <br />Street to Grand Avenue project (18-6901). <br />21. Approve an Appropriation Adjustment and Approve the Well 38 PFAS Agreement <br />with the Orange County Water District in the amount of $6,000,000 for a 30-Year Term <br />for Construction of a Treatment Facility at Well 38 (Project No. 22-6470) (Non -General <br />Fund) <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-019) <br />recognizing $1,000,000 from prior year fund balance in the Public Works Water <br />Revenue, Prior Year Carry Forward revenue account and appropriate the same <br />amount into the Acquisition & Construction, Water Utility Water Capital Projects, <br />Water Capital Project expenditure account. (Requires five affirmative votes) <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Well 38 PFAS Agreement with the <br />Orange County Water District for a total cost not to exceed $6,000,000, for the term <br />beginning upon execution of the agreement and ending 30 years thereafter, subject to <br />non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney <br />(Agreement No. 2021-XXX). <br />3. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Capital Improvement Program <br />to include $1,000,000 in funds for the Well 38 PFAS Treatment Facility Project. <br />22. Approve an Appropriation Adjustment and Three Agreements with Trustar Energy <br />LLC to Design and Build, Operate and Maintain, and Provide Renewable Natural Gas <br />for a Compressed Natural Gas Station at the City Corporate Yard (220 S Daisy <br />Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703) in an Amount not to Exceed $2,122,232 for a up to a <br />Two -Year Term for the Design -Build Agreement, $403,200 for up to an Eight -Year <br />Term for the Maintenance Agreement, and up to a Thirteen -Year Agreement for the <br />Provision of Natural Gas (Non -General Fund) <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-020) <br />recognizing prior year fund balance of $1,038,300 dollars in the Air Quality <br />Improvement Fund (AB 2766), Prior Year Carry Forward revenue account, and <br />appropriating the same amount into the Fleet Services - Air Quality Improvement <br />Account (AQMD). (Requires five affirmative votes) <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Design and Build Agreement with TruStar <br />Energy LLC to provide services for Phase I — Design, Phase II — Equipment <br />Procurement and Phase II — Construction, of a new compressed natural gas (CNG) <br />fueling station at the City Corporate Yard, in an amount not to exceed $2,122,232, with <br />a contingency of $333,638, for a one-year term beginning August 17, 2021 and <br />expiring August 16, 2022, with a one-year renewal option, subject to non -substantive <br />Page 11 of 22 8/17/2021 <br />