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all Complaints registered by Customers and Persons, in accordance with this <br />Section and Article 8. Contractor shall record complaints received related to SB <br />1383-noncompliance in its log in a manner further described in subsection A.2 <br />below. <br />2. SB 1383-Noncompliance Complaints. For complaints received in which the <br />Person alleges that an entity is in violation of SB 1383 requirements, Contractor <br />shall document the information listed in Article 8. Contractor shall provide this <br />information in a summary report in accordance with Article 8. <br />B. Investigation of S131383-Noncompliance Complaints <br />1. Investigation. Contractor shall commence an investigation, within ninety (90) <br />days of receiving a complaint in the following circumstances: (i) upon Contractor <br />receipt of a complaint that an entity may not be compliant with SB 1383 and if <br />City determines that the allegations against the entity, if true, would constitute a <br />violation of SB 1383; and, (ii) upon City request to investigate a complaint <br />received by City, in which City determines that the allegations against the entity, <br />if true, would constitute a violation of SB 1383. Contractor is required to <br />investigate complaints against Customers, and not against Food Recovery <br />Organizations, Food Recovery Services, and other entities regulated by SB 1383. <br />Contractor shall investigate the complaint using one or more of the methods: <br />a. Reviewing the service level of the entity that may not be compliant with <br />SB 1383; <br />b. Reviewing the waiver list to determine if the entity has a valid de minimis, <br />or space constraint; <br />C. Inspecting Premises of the entity identified by the complainant, if <br />warranted; and/or, <br />d. Contacting the entity to gather more information, if warranted. <br />2. Reporting. Within ten (10) days of completing an investigation of an SB 1383- <br />noncomplaince complaint, Contractor shall submit an investigation complaint <br />report that documents the investigation performed and recommends to City on <br />whether or not the entity investigated is in violation of SB 1383 based on the <br />August 17, 2021 110 City of Santa Ana <br />