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F. A list of all Customers assessed contamination processing fees reported <br />separately by Residential, Multi -Family, and Commercial Premises <br />Customers and including the Customer name, Customer address, and <br />reason for the assessment of the contamination processing fee, and the <br />total number of instances contamination processing fees were assessed in <br />the month and the total amount of fees collected in the month. <br />G. Any other information reasonably requested by the City or specified in <br />contamination monitoring provisions of this Agreement. <br />15. Customer Service Report <br />A. Number of Customer calls listed separately by complaints and inquiries <br />(where inquiries include requests for service information, rate <br />information, etc.). For Complaints, list the number of calls separately by <br />category (e.g., missed pickups, scheduled cleanups, billing concerns, <br />damage claims). These complaints and inquiries shall be documented and <br />reported separately from SB 1383 noncompliance complaints or other <br />regulatory noncompliance complaints. <br />B. Number of new service requests for each Customer type and requested <br />service(s). <br />C. Contractor shall report all SB 1383 noncompliance complaints and <br />responses pursuant to Section 5.7.A.2 of this Agreement and submit the <br />following information: <br />a. Total number of complaints received and total number of complaints <br />investigated <br />b. Copies of documentation recorded for each complaint received, which <br />shall at a minimum include the following information: <br />i. The complaint as received; <br />I The name and contact information of the complainant, if the <br />complaint is not submitted anonymously; <br />iii. The identity of the alleged violator, if known; <br />iv. A description of the alleged violation,; including location(s) and all <br />other relevant facts known to the complainant; <br />August 17, 2021 131 City of Santa Ana <br />