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documentation), describe the Contractor's efforts to arrange for the Processing of such <br />material, the period required for such Disposal, and any additional information <br />supporting the Contractor's request. <br />In addition, the request shall describe the Contractor's proposed interim plans for <br />implementation while the City is evaluating its request. If the City objects to the interim <br />plans, the City shall provide written notice to the Contractor and request an alternative <br />arrangement. The City shall consider the Contractor's request and inform Contractor in <br />writing of its decision within thirty (30) business days. Depending on the nature of the <br />Contractor's request, City may extend the thirty (30) business day period, at its own <br />discretion, to provide more time for evaluation of the request and negotiation of an <br />acceptable arrangement with the Contractor. <br />8.3. Weighing of Materials <br />A. Maintenance and Operation. This Section 8.3 of this Exhibit 8 applies to motor vehicle <br />scales used at the Approved Facilities. Approved Facilities shall be equipped with one <br />or more State -certified motor vehicle scales in accordance with Applicable Law. Upon <br />request, Contractor shall arrange for Facility operator to provide documentary evidence <br />of such scale certification within ten (10) days of City's request during the Term. <br />Licensed weigh master(s) shall operate those scales to weigh all inbound and outbound <br />Collection vehicles Transporting Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and C&D <br />Debris and all Transfer vehicles Transporting materials to another site. Contractor shall <br />arrange for Facility operator to provide City with access to weighing information at all <br />times and copies thereof within three (3) business days following the City's request. <br />Exceptions to weighing requirements are specified in Section 8.3.G of this Exhibit 8. <br />B. Vehicle Tare Weights for Approved Facility(ies). Within thirty (30) days prior to the <br />effective date of this Agreement, Contractor shall coordinate with the Facility <br />operator(s) to ensure that all Collection vehicles used by Contractor to Transport <br />Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and C&D Debris to Approved Facilities are <br />weighed to determine unloaded ("tare") weights. Contractor shall work with Facility <br />operator(s) to electronically record the tare weight, identify vehicle as Contractor's, and <br />provide a distinct vehicle identification number for each vehicle. Contractor shall <br />provide City with a report listing the vehicle tare weight information upon request. <br />Contractor shall promptly coordinate with Facility operator to weigh additional or <br />replacement Collection vehicles prior to Company placing them into service. Contractor <br />August 17, 2021 8 -14 City of Santa Ana <br />