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shall check tare weights at least annually, or within fourteen (14) days of a City request, <br />and shall re -tare vehicles immediately after any major maintenance service that could <br />impact the weight of the vehicle by more than fifty (50) pounds. <br />C. Substitute Scales. If any scale at the Approved Facility is inoperable, being tested, or <br />otherwise unavailable, Facility operator shall use reasonable business efforts to weigh <br />vehicles on the remaining operating scale(s). To the extent that all the scales are <br />inoperable, being tested, or otherwise unavailable, Facility operator shall substitute <br />portable scales until the permanent scales are replaced or repaired. Facility operator <br />shall arrange for any inoperable scale to be repaired as soon as possible. <br />D. Estimates. Pending substitution of portable scales or during power outages, Facility <br />operator shall estimate the tonnage of the Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and <br />C&D Debris Transported to and accepted at the Approved Facilities by utilizing the <br />arithmetic average of each vehicle's recorded tons of Recyclable Materials, Organic <br />Materials, and C&D Debris delivered on its preceding three (3) deliveries. <br />During any period of time the scales are out of service, Facility operator shall continue <br />to record all information required by this Section 8.3 for each delivery of Recyclable <br />Materials, Organic Materials, and C&D Debris to the Approved Facilities and each load <br />of material Transferred to another Approved Facility(ies). <br />E. Weighing Standards and Procedures. At the Approved Facilities, Facility operator shall <br />weigh and record inbound weights of all vehicles delivering Recyclable Materials, <br />Organic Materials, and C&D Debris when the vehicles arrive at the Facility. In addition, <br />Facility operator shall weigh and record outbound weights of vehicles for which Facility <br />operator does not maintain tare weight information. Furthermore, Facility operator <br />shall weigh and record outbound weights of all Transfer vehicles Transporting <br />Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and C&D Debris from a Transfer Facility to <br />another Approved Facility(ies) for Processing. <br />F. Records. Facility operator shall maintain scale records and reports that provide <br />information including: date of receipt, inbound time, inbound and outbound weights <br />(or tare weights) of vehicles, vehicle identification number, jurisdiction of origin of <br />materials delivered, type of material, company/hauler identification, and classification, <br />type, weight, and final destination of Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials, and C&D <br />Debris if the related materials are Transferred to another Approved Facility(ies). <br />August 17, 2021 8 - 15 City of Santa Ana <br />