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EXHIBIT 9 <br />COLLECTION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS <br />1. General <br />A. Under this Agreement, Contractor shall provide a three -Container Collection program <br />for the separate Collection of Source Separated Recyclable Materials, Source Separated <br />Organic Materials, and Refuse as specified in this Section, using Containers that comply <br />with the requirements of Section 4.7.4. <br />B. Source Separated Recyclable Materials Collection. Contractor shall provide Containers <br />to Customers for Collection of Source Separated Recyclable Materials with coloring in <br />accordance with Section 4.7.4. Contractor shall Transport the Source Separated <br />Recyclable Materials to (i) the Approved Source Separated Recyclable Materials <br />Processing Facility, or (ii) the Approved Transfer Facility for Transfer and Transport to <br />the Approved Source Separated Recyclable Materials Processing Facility, as specified in <br />Exhibit 8. <br />Source Separated Recyclable Materials that are to be accepted for Collection in the <br />Source Separated Recyclable Materials Collection program are included in Section 1.66. <br />such materials shall include Source Separated Organic Waste, such as paper products <br />and Printing and Writing Papers as defined by SB 1383,14 CCR Section 18982(a). The <br />Parties agree that the list of accepted types of Source Separated Recyclable Materials <br />may be added to or removed from time to time by mutual agreement with the City <br />provided that in all cases Source Separated Organic Waste (including paper products <br />and Printing and Writing Papers as defined by SB 1383,14 CCR Section 18982(a)) is <br />included for Collection. Contractor shall not add or remove materials to or from this list <br />without written approval from the City or signed amendment to the Agreement, and <br />such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Prohibited Container Contaminants <br />shall not be Collected in the Source Separated Recyclable Materials Containers. <br />C. Source Separated Organic Materials Collection. Contractor shall provide Containers to <br />Customers for Source Separated Organic Materials Collection with coloring in <br />accordance with Section 4.7.4. Contractor shall Transport the Source Separated Organic <br />Materials to (i) the Approved Organic Waste Processing Facility, or (ii) the Approved <br />Transfer Facility for Transfer and Transport to the Approved Organic Waste Processing <br />Facility, as specified in Exhibit 8. <br />August 17, 2021 9-1 City of Santa Ana <br />