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partnership with no employees. However, these Consultants must complete a "Worker's Compensation <br />Declaration." This form may be obtained from City staff. <br />Professional Liability— Professional Ilabllity insurance is required for, state licensed professionals, such <br />as, engineers, architects, CPAs, attorneys and medical professionals. A $1,000,000.00 policy is required. <br />City Business License - The selected proposer shall be required to obtain a City of Santa Ana Business <br />license within thirty (30) days of selection and must provide a copy to the City project manager or <br />designee prior to commencing any work in Santa Ana, <br />VII: RULES FOR PROPOSALS <br />The signer of the RFQ must declarein writing that the only person,persons, company or parties <br />interested in the proposal as principals are named therein; that the proposal is made without collusion <br />with any other person, persons, company or parties submitting a proposal; that it is in all respects fair <br />and in good faith without collusion or fraud; and, that the signer of the proposal has, full authority to bind <br />the proposer. <br />Vill. E-MAIL COMMUNIOATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS / CLARIFICATIONS <br />To facilitate the RFQ process, proposers are required to monitor and respond to e-mail requests within <br />48 hours, No oral interpretations will be made by the City to any proposer as to the meaning of <br />requirements identified herein including the Scope of Services. Every request for such an interpretation <br />must be made in writing via e-mail to Claudia Fernandez -Shaw, Housing Programs Analyst, no later <br />than Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Significant interpretations or clarification will be made <br />by an addendum to this RFQ, which will be posted to the website. Addenda may become part of the <br />agreement documents. <br />IX. ADDENDA <br />If clarification or interpretation of this. RFQ is considered necessary by the City, a written addendum shall <br />be issued and the information.will be posted on the City's website at hftL/www.santa-ana.Qrg/bIds-rfp /. <br />It is the responsibility of each proposer to periodically check the City's website to ensure that they have <br />received and reviewed any and all addenda to this RFQ. <br />X. SUBMITTAL INFORMATION AND DEADLINE <br />Proposals are due to the City of Santa Ana, at the date, time and location set forth on the Notice Inviting <br />Proposals. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. <br />XI. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS <br />The following are the minimum qualifications to be considered as an eligible . candidate to submit <br />proposals for the requested services described in this RFQ. Proposers shall have a minimum of five (5) <br />years recent experience in providing financial analytical and/or advisory services for affordable housing <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Qualifications —Affordable Housing Financial, Analytical and Advisory Services <br />Page 6 <br />