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B. When determined appropriate, the City will provide information in Its possession relevant to <br />preparation of required information in the RFQ. The City will provide only the staff assistance and <br />documentation specifically referred to herein, <br />C. The Contractor shall be responsible for retaining data, records and documentation for the preparation <br />of the required information. These materials shall be made available to the City as requested by the <br />City. <br />D. This RFQ does not commit the City to pay costs incurred in preparation of a response to this RFQ. <br />All costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal, the submission of additional information and/or <br />any aspect of a proposal prior,to the award of a written contract will be borne by the respondent. The <br />City reserves the right to accept or reject the combined or separate components of a proposal in part <br />of in its entirety or to waive any informality or technical defect in a proposal. <br />E. All data, documents and other products used, developed or produced during response preparation of <br />the RFQ will become property of the City: All responses to the RFQ shall'become property of the City. <br />Proposer information identified as proprietary information shall be maintained confidential, to the <br />extent allowed under the California Public Records Act. <br />F. The City reserves the right to reject, replace and approve any and all subcontractors All <br />subcontractor(s) shall be identified In the response to the RFQ and the City reserves the right to reject <br />any subcontractor(s). Subcontractor(s) shall be the responsibility of the prime Contractor and the City <br />shall assume no liability of such subcontractor(s). <br />V. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The selected Contractor will assume responsibilitles for all services in its proposal. The selected <br />Contractor shall identify a sole point of contact for contractual matters, including payment of any and all <br />charges resulting from the Agreement.. <br />VI. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS AND CITY BUSINESS LICENSE <br />CGL (Commercial General Liability) — CGL insurance is required when the Consultant will be <br />performing services on City property or receiving City grant funds. A $1,000,000.00 per occurrence with <br />$2,000,000.00 in the aggregate policy is required. The certificate of insurance must provide 30-day notice <br />of cancellation or material reduction in policy limits. Additionally, the City of Santa :Ana and the Housing <br />Authority of the City of Santa Ana, its officers, agents, volunteers and employees shall be named as an <br />additional insured via an additional insured endorsement. The additional insured endorsement, attached <br />as Exhibit C, shall provide that the Consultant's insurance is primary to any insurance or self-insurance <br />carried by the City as well as a separation of insured's clause. <br />Automobile - Automobile insurance is required when the Consultant will be driving from one City site <br />to another City site in a non -City vehicle. A $1,000,000.00 per occurrence policy for owned, hired and <br />non -owned automobiles is required. <br />Worker's Compensation — In accordance with the provisions of Section 3300 of the. California Labor <br />Code, any Consultant with employees must maintain employer's liability insurance with limits not less <br />than $1,000,000.00 per accident. Worker's Compensation is not required for sole proprietors or a <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Qualifications —Affordable Housing Financial, Analytical and Advisory Services <br />Page 5 <br />