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CITY OF SANTA ANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY — f <br />AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCIAL, ANALYTICAL & ADVISORY SERVICES a <br />tasks include financial and feasibility analyses, property disposition and negotiation for long-term <br />ground leases. The projects are financed with a variety of funding sources including Low Income. <br />Housing Tax Credits, HOME funds, Section 8 Project -Based Vouchers (PBVs) and State of California <br />funding sources. Recent projects include a motel conversion which will create 70 PSH units as well as a. <br />proposed 100-unit PSH project to be developed adjacent to a shelter facility. <br />KMA also assists the City with developer selection services. These services include the assistance in <br />drafting the RFQ/P, financial assessments of proposed outside leveraging.sources and the financial <br />assistance package being requested, participating in the Interview process and negotiating the <br />assistance package dollar amount and structure. <br />In addition, KMA provides policy -related services including compliance monitoring and reporting, <br />density bonus policy and related analyses, and public presentations on inclusionary housing and impact <br />fee issues. <br />One of the projects that KMA has provided financial advisory services for is the. <br />Manchester/Orangewood development. The former Redevelopment Agency acquired the <br />Manchester/Orangewood site in 2008, In 2018, the City/Housing Authority issued a request for. <br />proposals to develop the site with affordable housing. KMA participated in the RFP evaluation panel <br />and advised the City/Housing Authority on the selection of the developer, Jamboree Housing <br />Corporation, Subsequently, KMA reviewed the developer's pro formas, prepared financial gap <br />analyses, and assisted the Housing Authority in negotiating the ground lease terms and financial <br />assistance structure. The project includes 102 apartment units restricted to extremely -low, very -low <br />and low Income households. Twenty (20) units In the project will be restricted as permanent <br />supportive housing (PSH) units for homeless households. The outside funding sources included 9%Tax <br />Credits and Orange County Housing Trust funds. The Housing Authority provided a capitalized ground <br />rent payment, HOME funds and Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset funds. KMA completed <br />financial advisory services for this project in 2020. <br />mmuoity'Tnveshnent Manager - Community Economic Development <br />City of Anaheim <br />Phone: 714-7654368 <br />Emalk <br />2..01 South Anaheim Blvd, Suite 1003, Anaheim, CA 92805 <br />Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page l lim <br />