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CITY OF SANTA ANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY — <br />AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCIAL, ANALYTICAL & ADVISORY SERVICES <br />Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) <br />Since 2015, I(MA has been providing on -going financial consulting services to LACDA, in particular, <br />KMA has reviewed development proposals from throughout the County that are submitted through <br />the LACDA's NOFA process. This task Includes performing a threshold review of the financial and <br />economic components of the project as well as a technical review that considers the LACDA's <br />underwriting guidelines and funding/market conditions to determine the feasibllity as well as need for <br />assistance, KMA then presents the proposals to the LACDA NOFA Committee, and discusses how to <br />resolve identified issues. <br />KMA has also been on various developer selection review panels for LACDA, including the recent <br />American Legion Site in Downey that is owned by the County and near a transit station. As the number <br />of projects and funding sources have Increased for LACDA, KMA has.alsa assisted staff with moving <br />projects through the underwriting process. KMA is currently assisting LACDA with numerous loan <br />closings. <br />Director of the Housing Investment & Finance Division . <br />Los ,Angeles. County Development Authority <br />Fhbne:.626-586-1806 <br />Ematl aynn lcatatao@lacda org <br />700 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 <br />City of Huntington Beach <br />Since 1984, KMA has represented the City of Huntington Beach, the former redevelopment agency, <br />and the Housing Successor Agency. A summary of the affordable housing services provided by KMA <br />includes: <br />1. Financial gap analyses in support of the assistance packages provided to affordable rental and <br />permanent supportive housing projects. Funding sources include 9%Tax Credits, Tax -Exempt <br />Multifamily Bonds coupled with 4%Tax Credits, NPLH funds, MHSA funds, AHP funds, Orange <br />County Business Housing Trust Funds, and HUD Section 8 Project Based Rental Assistance <br />Vouchers (PBVs). <br />2: Capital planning for the use of affordable housing funds and annual preparation of the Housing <br />Successor's SB 341 report. <br />Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 116 <br />