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UNDERSTANDING OF NEED <br />U'N;DERSTA.N"D[ G & APP}ROACHI <br />The Santa Ana community needs a dog park. The Centennial site, <br />"the old fire training facility site", was deemed the only currently <br />available place to construct a canine oriented recreational space. <br />This site has access and viability challenges. The DVD team is <br />ready to address all the park development opportunities and to <br />create a great destination facility for canines and their caregivers. <br />The three plus acre site will accommodate the program outlined <br />in the RFP. Large and docile off leash dog compounds, a training <br />space, an amphitheater for dog shows, and restrooms and play <br />lot as support amenities. The site planning and access will be <br />undertaken with a robust community engagement process so that <br />the final concept plans meet the expectations of the residents and <br />stakeholders. <br />David Volz Design has extensive park planning experience. We <br />have designed dozens of canine facilities that have received praised <br />and accolades for creative, practical, and fun public spaces. Our <br />well experienced design team will work with city staff to develop <br />initial design scenarios for this new city park. We will work through <br />the access challenges and review with public work staff, what is <br />possible and practical. All feasible opportunities will be put forward <br />to your city leaders and stakeholders to summarize the best access <br />routing and arrival sequence for "normal" use and for special event <br />activities. <br />The dog park proper will be designed around the access routing and <br />the parking accommodations options. The DVD team has provided <br />creative and innovative layouts for dozens of dog park projects. <br />Arrival points, parking to entry, controlled double gate access, <br />separation of docile dogs from large canines, and special amenities <br />will all be considered. Our design team has planned parks for dog <br />training space and we have design several amphitheaters and <br />show spaces. We are especially interested in integrating a special <br />children's play space with the offerings of the dog oriented land <br />within Centennial Park. <br />Once we have arrived at workable initial concept plans our <br />experienced park planning team will lead a community engagement <br />process where we will look to your residents and stakeholders for <br />provide guidance on alternative selection, amenities design and <br />the overall function and layout of the park. Once we have sufficient <br />direction and feedback from the public, final concept plans will be <br />prepared. A graphics package, including 3D colored renderings with <br />11101VIII) SANTA ANA DOG PARK, CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />