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Grant Thornton Public Sector LLC City of Santa Ana I RFQ 21- 093 <br />Revised Proposal <br />• Developed a Policy and Procedures manual which serves to justify and support charging <br />internal county costs, such as substantially dedicated force account labor and certain <br />administrative leave expenses; <br />• Work with the County's Internal Auditor to address Single Audit findings and questions <br />of compliance issues; and <br />• Provide Monthly Reporting to the County's CARES Act Audit and Compliance Task <br />Force Committee and Weekly Reporting to the County's Chief Fiscal Officer. <br />Customer Name: <br />Contact Individual: <br />Marin County, California <br />Lisa DeCarlo <br />Division Chief —Fiscal Administrative Services <br />Address: <br />Phone Number & E-mail: <br />3501 Civic Center Dr. Ste. 225 <br />515-473-5660 <br />San Rafael, CA 94903 <br />Idecarlo marincoun .or <br />Contract Amount: <br />Contract Period: <br />$1,121,000 <br />December 2020 — June 2022 <br />Description of supplies, equipment, or services provided: <br />Grant Thornton is providing disaster recovery and emergency management services to Marin County as <br />part of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Marin County has spent more than $25 million in <br />FEMA eligible cost. Grant Thornton's services include the following: <br />• Assist in navigating the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) grants process which includes <br />project management, eligibility determinations, cost validation, and regulatory updates; <br />• Providing subject matter expertise and coordination between FEMA, CalOES, and the <br />County in the management of its various COIVD-19 funding sources; <br />• Manage the County's project worksheet development and submission through FEMA's <br />Grants Portal for COVID related activities. The scope of COVID related activities <br />includes food distribution, non -congregate sheltering, mobile testing, vaccinations <br />distribution, alternate care sites, and emergency protectives measures. <br />• Weekly reporting to the County's Fiscal Administrative Services Division Chief along <br />with daily coordination with the County's staff in the development of cost <br />documentation. <br />Customer Name: <br />Contact Individual: <br />Florida Division of Emergency Management <br />Kassandra McGlonn <br />Contracts Program Manager <br />Address: <br />Phone Number & E-mail: <br />2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. <br />850-815-4417 <br />Tallahassee, FL 32399 <br />Kassandra.McGlonn em.m <br />Contract Amount: <br />Contract Period: <br />$11,264,000 <br />1 December 2017 — December 2021 <br />Description of supplies, equipment, or services provided: <br />Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal or quotation. <br />36 <br />