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Clerk of the Council Daisy Gomez reported out on correspondence received. <br />Dale Helvig provided information to help aid in selecting a map. <br />Carl Benninger supported map #86566. <br />Araceli provided information for community of interest for her area First <br />Street/Chestnut Avenue/Main. <br />Alejandro Luciano provided information for community of interest for the area <br />around First Street/McFadden/Flower/Broadway. <br />George Collins in support of draft map #86566 <br />Rosa Ramirez provided community of interest for the area around McFadden/First <br />Street/Main Street/Bristol Street <br />Martin Zambrano supported draft map #86566. <br />Alexander Garcia supported draft map #86566. <br />The following Zoom participants provided comment: <br />Dale Helvig provided input for the process of selecting a map that is fair for the next <br />10 years. <br />Patricia DeSantos described her community of interest for the South Coast Metro <br />area. In favor of using a horizontal map to keep a cohesive community. Supports <br />draft map #86566. <br />Karen Alvarado representing Orange County Congregation Community <br />Organization (OCCCO) spearheading coalition regarding maps. The <br />coalition urged council to select maps submitted by the Santa Ana Redistricting <br />Coalition, which have not been made public, and asked council to extend the map <br />adoption beyond the February 1, 2022 deadline. <br />Maria Valencia representing OCCCO described her community of interest <br />First/Grand and asked council to extend the map submitted by the coalition and <br />extend the map adoption beyond the February 1, 2022 deadline. <br />Biff Baker member of OCCCO described his community of interest in historic <br />downtown Santa Ana. Supports maps submitted by the Santa Ana Redistricting <br />Coalition and extend the map adoption beyond the February 1, 2022 deadline. <br />Blanca Ruelas, member of OCCCO, described community of interest, around <br />Flower Street. Requested council to consider the two maps submitted by the Santa <br />Ana Redistricting Coalition. Asked council to consider extending the deadline for <br />map adoption. <br />City Council 18 1/18/2022 <br />