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Nathaniel Greensides thanked City Clerk and her staff for making this <br />available to the public. Expressed concern with Santa Ana Goals 2021 also known <br />as Plan E. <br />Nancy Murphy spoke in support of draft map # 86566. Thanked the staff of Santa <br />Ana for hearing their opinion. <br />Ana Charco with the Santa Ana Redistricting Coalition spoke regarding <br />communities of interest in Vietnamese residents, mobile home parks in the western <br />area of Santa Ana, environmental concerns in the east area of Santa Ana and mid - <br />city of Santa Ana and asked council to extend the map adoption deadline. <br />Irene Bautista member of OCCCO described her communities of interest, Latino <br />immigrants, low income and mixed status families and asked council to extend the <br />map adoption deadline to allow for additional input. <br />Kayla Asanta member of Santa Ana Redistricting Coalition described her <br />community of interest as it pertains to the district map needs to be vertical past <br />Dyer, Cedar Street/Madison Park communities need to be kept together. Also, <br />spoke regarding support for the Vietnamese community/mobile home park being <br />kept together located in the western part of the city. <br />Council discussion ensued and direction provided. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Bacerra provided input for consultant drawn maps. Thanked all <br />those in the community who submitted maps and expressed importance of <br />community drawn maps. Expressed that map # 86566, which is closest to the <br />desires of councilmembers and community members, be considered. Thanked the <br />clerk and her staff for their work. <br />Councilmember Hernandez expressed support of maps A and A2. <br />Councilmember Mendoza expressed concern over the continued use of prison <br />population data. Thanked those that submitted maps including the consultant and <br />community maps. Provided input on requirements as it pertains to various maps for <br />the record. Noted that map 86566 Santa Ana Goals 2021 meets requirements she <br />had mentioned. <br />Councilmember Lopez inquired if the maps are legally compliant. Thanked clerk's <br />office and Redistricting Partners for all the work that has gone into the redistricting <br />process. In support of more time to the process. Supports Plan A and Plan A2 and <br />will consider additional maps submitted by residents. <br />Redistricting Partners consultant Paul Mitchell responded regarding legal <br />compliance and criteria. As to legal requirements for incumbency and contiguity he <br />wanted legal counsel to weigh in. Noted that maps with a letter assigned are legal <br />maps. <br />City Council 19 1/18/2022 <br />