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Councilmember Penaloza expressed concern with draft map A2. Requested to <br />keep downtown district together. Asked consultant to keep together the business <br />districts, and keep in mind that new apartment units that will change the population <br />in those areas. Asked consultant to consider the Transit Zoning Code and keep in <br />mind the entire area east of Main Street. <br />Redistricting Partners consultant Paul Mitchell explained his staff was balancing <br />data in each map as an option, and the chosen trade-offs, such as asking for a map <br />to be redrafted with certain amendments. Noted in map A2, the downtown area is not <br />split, it might be disconnected from other neighborhoods that also consider <br />themselves part of the greater downtown neighborhood. <br />Councilmember Phan expressed the following maps be elevated: 77539, 77567, <br />87613, 86566, and two maps recently submitted by coalition that have Asian <br />plurality district along with draft map A2, which also has an Asian plurality district. In <br />addition, inquired about, the prison population. <br />Redistricting Partners consultant Paul Mitchell clarified the use of the Citizen Voting <br />Age Population (CVAP) and the prison population adjustment data (PPA). Noted <br />that it is required by law that the top data set, known as point data or moment in time <br />for the decennial census that is used to determine how big each of your wards are, is <br />always going to be the prison adjusted data set. The top data set will always be the <br />PPA data. It has to be by law based on the Fair Maps Act. <br />Councilmember Phan requested to include an overlay showing the communities, <br />such as the Sullivan community and South Coast Metro Community, to be included <br />on the maps requested above. <br />Redistricting Partners consultant Paul Mitchell clarified that all maps need to be <br />kept for the next ten years, however, as requested will elevate maps that meet the <br />Asian plurality. Thus, noted to retain A2, D, E, and three additional maps mentioned <br />by Councilmember Phan to be elevated if they meet the criteria and give them <br />lettered designations for the next hearing. Councilmember Phan also requested to <br />review the Santa Ana Coalition maps to be elevated if they meet the criteria. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Became asked that data for 86566 be clarified. <br />The redistricting matter will be placed on subsequent agendas to be discussed at 7 <br />p.m, at upcoming council meetings. <br />Mayor Sarmiento closed the public hearing at 9:13 p.m. <br />After item 31, council took items 32 and 8 out of order followed by item 4. <br />32. Public Hearing -Final Recirculated Program Environmental Impact Report No. 2020- <br />03 and General Plan Amendment No. 2020-06 for Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />Legal Notice published in the Orange County Reporter on November 26, 2021 and <br />notices mailed on November 19, 2021. <br />City Council 21 1/18/2022 <br />