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and park facility permits. <br />MINUTES: Mayor Sarmiento opened the public hearing at 10:47 p.m. <br />Council discussion ensued and direction provided to staff. <br />Executive Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Agency Lisa <br />Rudloff and Recreation and Community Services Manager Timothy <br />Pagano addressed council regarding the fee schedule. <br />Councilmember Hernandez recommended to add language to the policy as part of <br />the motion. <br />Executive Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Agency Lisa Rudloff said <br />that Councilmember Hernandez' language can be added to the policy. Permit fee <br />will be waived for the neighborhood association. <br />Seeing there were no speakers, Mayor Sarmiento closed the public hearing at <br />10:58 p.m. <br />This Business Item - Resolution Nos. 2022-006 and 2022-007 were approved. <br />Recessed the Council meeting and convened to the Successor Agency meeting at <br />10:59 p.m. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hernandez, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Bacerra <br />to Adopt as amended to add to Page 2 section 2.0 of the policy the following <br />language: to have the city staff liaison work with the city recognized <br />neighborhood associations to accommodate facilities for monthly meetings <br />and special events, city recognized neighborhood associations should not be <br />charged fees to utilize city owned facilities for meetings and/or city owned <br />and/or controlled property for special events. Other fees may apply for special <br />events depending upon other special factors, such as attendance utilize <br />private security or Santa Ana Police Department traffic controlled <br />concessions/alcohol service, etc., and would like to see neighborhood <br />associations prioritized and accommodate them. <br />YES: 7 — Hernandez, Councilmember, — Lopez, Councilmember, — Mendoza, <br />Councilmember, — Penaloza, Councilmember, — Phan, Councilmember, — Bacerra, <br />Mayor Pro Tem, — Sarmiento, Mayor <br />NO: 0 <br />ABSTAIN: 0 <br />ABSENT:0 <br />Status: 7-0-0-0— Pass <br />City Council 23 1/18/2022 <br />