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11. Approve an Appropriation Adjustment and Additional Contingency Funds in the <br />Amount of $368,825 for an Existing Construction Contract with Lucas Builders, Inc. for <br />the Citywide Sewer Main Improvements Phase II Project with an Estimated Project <br />Delivery Cost of $2,117,835 (Project No. 19-6426) (Non -General Fund) <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-099) to <br />recognize $338,825 from prior -year fund balance in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund, <br />Prior Year Carryforward revenue account, and appropriate the same amount to the <br />Capital Recovery Charges, Improvements Other Than Buildings expenditure account. <br />(Requires five affirmative votes) <br />2. Authorize the reallocation of $30,000 in unspent Measure M2 Local Fairshare <br />funds, $30,000 from Flower Street Safety Enhancements (Project 17-6897) to <br />Citywide Sewer Main Improvements Phase II (Project No. 19-6426) to complete the <br />funding needed for project delivery. <br />3. Approve an amendment to the Project Cost Analysis in the amount of $368,825 in <br />additional contingency funds, for a total estimated construction delivery cost of <br />$2,117,835, which includes $1,399,208 for the construction contract, $209,802 for <br />contract administration, inspection and testing, and a $508,825 project contingency <br />for unanticipated or unforeseen work, subject to non -substantive changes approved by <br />the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />4. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Capital Improvement Program <br />to include $368,825 in construction funds for Citywide Sewer Main Improvements <br />Phase II (Project No. 19-6426). <br />12. Approve Appropriation Adjustment, Lease and License Agreement with Greyhound <br />Lines, Inc., to Extend the term One Year, from February 1, 2022, through January 31, <br />2023, for a total amount of $87,966 <br />Department(s): Public Works Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2022-103) to <br />recognize Fiscal Year 2021-22 lease income in the amount of $28,340 in the Public <br />Works-SARTC Operations, Rental -Greyhound Lines, Inc., revenue account and <br />appropriate the same amount in the Public Works-SARTC Operations, Contract <br />Services -Professional expenditure account. (Requires five affirmative votes) <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a second amendment to the site license <br />agreement with Greyhound Lines, Inc., for the rental of two bus bays, and extend the <br />term for a one-year period from February 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023, at a monthly <br />rate of $3,000 for the first six months and at a monthly rate of $5,498 from August 1, <br />2022 to January 31, 2023, for a total amount of $50,988, subject to non -substantive <br />changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2022- <br />XXX). <br />3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the site lease agreement <br />City Council 8 1/18/2022 <br />