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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />applicants for employment a current employees. Such a➢orts <br />should be aimed at developing fug journey level statue <br />a quoyeas in the type of lade a job ctassifution involved. <br />b. Coreiaent wide Ne contractar'6 wok (omerequdrements <br />and as permissible order Federal and Stale regulations, the <br />000ador $hill make full use of training programs, l.o„ <br />apprenticeship, old on-140401, kniniog progmmsfof the <br />googlrtphkol area of contract poifommrae. b the event a <br />special provision for training is provided under this conliecl, <br />lids subparagraph oval be superseded as indcaled in the <br />apedblprovision. Thecontacdogagencymayroserve <br />training positions for persons who mcerve wagam as sislance <br />In accordance with 23 U.S.0 140(a). <br />c. The contractor wdladviso employees and applicants for <br />enpbymad of available training programs and entrance <br />requirements for each. <br />d Tie obnracbr vAP pedod"calyrevlev der uainbg and <br />promotion potential of empbyoes vote we minorities and <br />women and we eneoun ge eligible employees b npply tot <br />each training and promotion <br />T, Unions: It the contractor raise In whole or in pad upon <br />unions N a soom of employees, the conimclorwa use goof <br />faith strafe, b obtain the ooapemtbn of such unions to <br />increase Opportunities (a minonles and womert. Actions by <br />the contractor, either directly or through a conhadoes <br />association acting so agent, wel include the procedural; set <br />forth below: <br />a. The contractor we use ad (ebb efforts b develop in <br />Coopers lien with the uni joint gaining programs aimed <br />lonvard qualifying more minevigas and woman for mentors* <br />In the unions and Increasing the skills of minofts and women <br />so that they may quay for highar paying employment. <br />b. The contractorwgd use good faith elfala to incorporate an <br />EEO douse into each union agreement to the end lhatsuch <br />union wg be oorlraduagy bound b afar applicants W t U <br />moan" to then race. color, religion, sax, national Wigs, age a <br />disablgy, <br />c. The contractor is to obtain Information as to the referral <br />Practices ad poficloa d the labor onion except that to the <br />extent such information is within the exclusive possession of <br />the lallwarion andsuchiabor union refuses tofumish such <br />information to the contractor, he contractor Mal an coniy to <br />the contracting agom and shag sit fodh what efforts have <br />been leads to obtain such infomnallon <br />d in the event the union Is unable to provide the oontrector <br />with a reasonable crowd rafernas within the tuna gas ad forth <br />in ]be co➢80M bargaining agreement, the contractor evil, <br />["In independent racrulbra nl efforts, fig theempbyment <br />vacancieswthoul regard to new, color, re➢gion, sex, national <br />origin, age a disability, making ful of is to obtain qualified <br />ands qualirable minorities red women. The failure of a union <br />to PtoYWO sufficlont referrals (awn though 0 is ub➢galed to <br />lxaide exclusive referrals under the loans of a collective <br />bargaining agmernent) does not reeve the contactaflorn the <br />mqukanents of this paragraph, in the eves the unionrelonal <br />practice prowls the conbacta from meeting the obligations <br />pursuant b Execullve Order 11246. eeameMed, and these <br />special goovisfona, such contractor shag immediately roily the <br />contradingagency. <br />& Reasonable Accommodation for Applicants r <br />Employees with Disabilities: The conlractamust be famia <br />with Pat requirements for and campy with the Americans wills <br />Disabilities Act and as rules and regulations established there <br />under. Enployoamusl provide reasonable aocanmodsdon in <br />all employment activities unless to do an would case an <br />undue hardship, <br />9. Selection of Subcontractors, Prow rem re ofMatedsls <br />antl Leasing of Eat Wpm set: The contractor shall not <br />disc tints on ire grounds of race, cola, migion, sex, <br />national origin age a disability In the sdecfon and retention <br />of subcontractors, including proaummenl olmoleriats and <br />learns of equipment. The contactor stoma lake all necessary <br />and reasonable steps to ensure noldised mbation in the <br />adniniskalion of this contact. <br />a. The centractor stag poly all potential subealraeiosand <br />suppliers and assure of their EEO abligafons under this <br />contact. <br />b. The contactor will use goad fei , efforts b ensure <br />subcontractor coal planes with their EEO obligations. <br />10. Assurance Required by 49 CFR 26,13(b): <br />a The requkementsol 49 CFR No H and the Stela <br />oOT's U.S. DOT -approve" DUE program am incorporated by <br />reference. <br />b. The contractaasubcontsctorshall not daninninate on <br />the bests d race, color, naional origin, or sex In the <br />paldrmanceof Mscentad.. Thecoraaclorslaicanyout <br />appacabb requirements of 49 CFR Pad 26 in tla award and <br />admkatrationo(DOTassatadoonuses. Falurebylto <br />contracta tocany at Ihesa requirements Ian male" breach <br />of this contract, whidn may result in the lamina➢on of this <br />contact a such other ranady as (to widenedhng agency <br />deems agprclable, <br />11, Records and Reports: The contactor shall keep such <br />records as necessary to document compliance with the EEO <br />requiaments. Such records abet be retained for a period of <br />OWN yaaaloiowbg the date of the anal payment to the <br />contractor for of contact work and stag be available at <br />reasonable (Yeas and placasfalnapection by authorized <br />ropresentalvas of the contracting agency aid it* FFWA <br />a. The records kept by the contractor shall document the <br />following; <br />(1) The number and work hours ofminoNy and run• <br />minally group members and vxxnen employed in each work <br />class li anion on the protect <br />(2) The peogreas and efforts being made in cooperation <br />with unions, vAhm applkable, to Increase empoymem <br />oppedonides for minorities and women and <br />(3) The pmgreas and efforts being made in locating, hiring. <br />training, qualifying, and Wgmding mieridas and wanes; <br />to The convectors and suboonuaclerswel submit an annual <br />report to the contracting agency each July for the duration of <br />the poject, indkadng the number of minority, women, and <br />nonmbodly group employees cunenlly engaged to each mirk <br />dasoynedon required by the contract work. This Infom mien Is <br />to be reported on rot E F W .110 . The safang data should <br />represent the project work face on load in el a any pad of <br />the Iasi payroll period preceding the end ofJuly. If nrlta job <br />training is being required by special provision the contractor <br />P-21 of P-52 <br />