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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />was to required b tolled and repot tracing data The <br />ompbymont data should rofled he work fomo on board during <br />all or any pan oflhe last payroll pabd preceding the end of <br />Jay. <br />II. NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES <br />This provision is applicable to at! Fadem"id construction <br />eadraets and tool related oonsWdion subcollfedsol <br />$1 O'No or mom. <br />The contractormust onsum that Wclflios provided for <br />employees am pnividad in such a mercer that sagrogalbn on <br />the basis of race, ootor, ralgion, sex, ornstional origin cannot <br />result. Theconlrectormay natharrequms suchsagragaled <br />use by written a anal policies nor tolerate such use by <br />employee custom The cordmdon's obligation oxlmds further <br />to ensure that its employees am ad assigned topodomt their <br />wevicee at any location. under the contractors central, whom <br />the fatties am sagagolod. The [am tackles' includes <br />wading mono, work areas, restaurants and other sating areas, <br />WO clocks. 1"mooms, washrooms, brier rooms, and other <br />storage or dressing atom, parking Ids, drinking loi ntains, <br />recreation a entertainment owes. Iranspalagon, and housing <br />provided for employees. Thocontadorsholiprovldasoparsto <br />Or sirgb•osor mslmems and necessary dressing or sleeping <br />areas to assum privacy between sexes <br />IV. DAM "ACON AND RELATED ACT PROVISIONS <br />This sodbO is app5Mble to at Fodamldd cunsUucgon <br />projects mccedng $2,000 and to a1 related subcontracts and <br />lovwr•Yer suticon48tls (regardless of subcoouad s;:o). The <br />requirements apply tool prajocts baled within the right -or <br />wayofa Medway that Is fmcionaly desst`mdas Fsdama W <br />highway. This excludes roadways functionally dasediod as <br />local roads or rum] minor collectors, which are exempt. <br />Contracting agamns may end to aFpy these requiranxmts to <br />otheraiijects. <br />The following previsions am from tip U.S. DopOrYnanl of <br />Laborfegdetlon , in2g CFR 6.5 Canted provisions and <br />rdaled mate re vAh minor mvbIons to donformto the FHWA. <br />1273 (What and FHWA pmgran requiromanis. <br />1. Mlnimum wages <br />a. All laborers and mechanics employed a wading upon <br />the site of the work wit be paid unconditionally and not less <br />often then onto a wook, and wlhout subsequent deduction or <br />rebels on any account (oxcopt such payroll doductias as am <br />pomhiled by rogulilions Issued by the Secrotary of Labor <br />underline Copeland Ad (29 CFR pad 3)), the ful amarnt of <br />wages and bona tole fni ge benolis (or cash equivalents <br />thereof) due d time of payment computed at reles not less <br />than (hose contained in the wage determination of Iho <br />Secretory of tabor whch is attached hereto and made a part <br />heron(, mganlloss of any contractual rolalbnshlp which may <br />be alleged b axis] between the contractor aM such laborers <br />and mechanics, <br />Coddbutbns mado orcosb reasonably mlidprated (a born <br />Ito fringe thenefils under section 1(b)(2) of the Davis -Sawn <br />Act on behalf of labaans ormadanim aro consdomd wages <br />paid tosuch laborers a mechanics, subject to lie previsions <br />of paragraph I d, of this sodion; also, rogulacontdbulhro <br />made ofwsts incurred far mere than a moldy period (but not <br />lass oftan than quartay) under pans, foods, aprograms <br />which cover the pmlcunrwoekiy period, ere doomed to be <br />consWclivey made of muraid during such woody period. <br />Such laborers and mechanics shal be paid aim appropriate <br />wage rate and Ingo bmofb an the wage dotofminabon for <br />Ire classification of work actually performed wilhoul regard to <br />skit except as provided in 29 CFR 5.5(aX4), Laborers or <br />muchanbe podorming York in Mao than ono dasslkafon <br />may be conpensaled at he rate spincili for each <br />classification for the time actually waked therein: provided. <br />That the employers payml meads occumloy ad felt he <br />time spool in eachdasegcagon in which wank is perronned. <br />The vago date rrnnallin (including any additional dasslicaton <br />and Wage rates conformed mderparagepb 1.L of this <br />section) and the Davis -Bacon poster (WH-I321) shal ba <br />posted at all Items by the contractor and its subcaivacbrs at <br />he site of the work in a prominent and accosabb place whom <br />it can be sally seen by the workers. <br />b (1) The contracting officer dial,equimthat say class of <br />laborers or mechaucs, including helpers, which is nolfidedn <br />the wage dolerminotinn and which is to be employed under he <br />contract shot be ofassiged in conformance %Ali the wage <br />dolmincatlon. The contracting officer drat app®ve an <br />additional ndassficagon and wage rate and Ingo berofts <br />therefore only whon No following criteria have been mot: <br />(i) The wok to be pedonmed by the dasslieelm <br />requested is not patamod by a cNssificalon in the wago <br />determination; and <br />(Y) The dasdf"Icil is OI&zod in fie wren by the <br />construction industry, and <br />(u) The proposed wage moo. including my bona fide <br />fringe bonelb, bean a masorobb relationship to the <br />wage rates contained in the wage defemiinalion <br />(2) If the contractor and the faborers and maclenics In be <br />employed in the classification (it mown), or that <br />representatives, and the contracting Officer ague on Ire <br />dassAlCation and wage rde (Including the amourt <br />designated for fringe banops where, aptempiate), a ropal of <br />he action taken Jed be sent by ha contracting olksr to the <br />Adminishdor of the Wage and Hour DMsion, Employment <br />Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, <br />Washirglon, DC 20210. The Admldstrator, or an authorized <br />mprasadat". Will approve, malt', ordisapprove ovary <br />addlmai classdlcalbn action within 30 days of racoipl and <br />so advise the contracing officer or will notify the mnlmcifng <br />ofboer within he 30Aay period that additional Inv is <br />reassert. <br />(3) In the event the contractor, tie laboras of mochanis <br />to be employed in The classifica Ion or their mprisadallves, <br />and the contracting Officer do not agree on he proposed <br />classification and wage rate (ndudig the amount <br />"noted for fringe bonofts. whom appropriate), he <br />codfactiti officer dal refer Ito questions. inducing lie <br />views of all interested parties and he recommendation of the <br />contracting oflca, to he Wage and Hour Admi nistrebr for <br />debrmimtion. The Wage and HourAdminishater, or an <br />auhorized Mpms ildhm. will Issue a ddenminabon within <br />30days o(fewpl and so advise Ibe aodracting ollcof or <br />P-22 of P-52 <br />