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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL, INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />t. aolhing contained In the foregoing shall be constued to <br />require the eslablis mend of a system of records to order to <br />rendet Ingood loth the codification required by this douse <br />The knowledge and idormotion of the prospective participant <br />Is net required b exceed that which Is nermaty reasoned by <br />a prudent person In the ordinary couroe of business dealings. <br />I. Except for transactions ad Braked under pamgmplh (Q of <br />these instructions, If a participant in a covemd transaction <br />knowingly enters into a lower tier covered harhsuchen with a <br />person who Is suspended, debarred, Insights, or voluntarily <br />excluded from participation In this lrensedlon, in addition to <br />other remedies mailable to the Federal Government, the <br />department or agency my terminate this transaction for cause <br />or default. <br />2, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, <br />Inallglbi ily and Voluntary Exclusion —Flnt Tier <br />Participants: <br />a. The prospecOm fast tier participant caniTms to be hest or <br />is knowledge and hoped, that ll and as principals: <br />(1) Am ral presently debarred, suspended, proposed for <br />debarmenl, declared Inefigibe, orvobnterily excluded from <br />Participating In cased Imnsecttans by any Federal <br />department or agency; <br />(2) Hive rot within a lmea-yoa period preceding this <br />proposal beenconvicted of or had a civil judgment rendered <br />against them forcorun sslon of fraud or acriminal offense in <br />connecion, with obtaldrg, attempting to obtain, or performing <br />a public, (Federal, Stale or bull ham when orcontmd under <br />e pubic tomesction; vioation of Federal or Sale antitrust <br />stahAes a commission of embeaaman4 theft, forgery, <br />bribery, feisfxrahon or destrucfun of records, making false <br />slamenls, orreceiving slow property, <br />(0) Are not immunity Indicted foror otherwise ainaaey or <br />ctdty charged by a governmental arsity (Federal, Stale or <br />foeal) with commission of any of the dfanses emrmseled in <br />paragraph (a)(2) of this confliction; and <br />(4) Have nit within a Imee-year period preceding this <br />epplcelbNpropossl had one a more public aamdctans <br />(Federal. State or "cal) terminated for cause or defeat[. <br />b Where the pm"cltve porudpenl s unable to caniy to <br />any of the statements in this cadiicatan, such prospective <br />participant shall allach an explanation to this proposal. <br />2. Instrudionsfor CertiBsal,can . Lower Tier ParliclPanls <br />(Applicable be all subcontracts, purchase orders and other <br />lower liar hansactone requiring prior FHWA approval or <br />estimated locos S2S,000 ornmea - 2 CFR Parts 180 and <br />1200) <br />a By signing and submiting the proposal, the prospective <br />lower tier is providing Ile certification sel our below. <br />b Tbecenl6calion In this clause is a material represemelmn <br />of fad upon which milance was Owed when this transaction <br />wwes onared Into. 0 a s later determined that the prospective <br />lower her participant knowingly rendered an erroneous <br />carificaton, in addition loother remadiesavalatle tolhe <br />Fademl CorommsH, she daFOMhps, w ogency with which <br />Ins transaction origumled may pursue available remedies, <br />including suspension andlor debarment. <br />c. The Prospacrvelowof tiarpabdpanl $hat prwide <br />uninsdin ewritten police to the parson In which this pcposal Is <br />submitted If at ary We the prospective lower liar parodparil <br />Items her Its certification was arroneous by reasonof <br />changed circumstances. <br />d. The terms'cwered Imnsaclan, 'debstred; <br />'suspended,"aelgale; 'partcpsnl�person; 'principal,' <br />ard'vdunlaly excluded; as used in [his cause, we defined <br />in 2 CFR Pads 180 and 1200. You miry correct the person to <br />which this proposal is submilted for assistance In obtaining a <br />copy ollhoae regddans. Fiat Tier Covered Trpmectors' <br />mrars to any covalent transaction between a granlee a <br />subgmnlee of Federal funds ant a participant each as the <br />Rime or owwal aremcy, 'Lower Tier Cwemd Transactions' <br />refers to any covered transaction under a First Tier Covered <br />Transaction (such as subcontracts). 'FYSI TlerParticpmt' <br />refers to the participant who has entered into a covered <br />transaction with agredee or subgranlee of Federal funds <br />(su cli as the game "general connector). lower Per <br />Parliciper it'rerent any participant who has entered Into a <br />covered hersection with a Fear Tier Pslicpanl of other Lower <br />Tar Participants (such as aubcorsractors and suppliers). <br />e. The prospective lower liar participant agrees by <br />Wbmafirg Ins proposal that, should the proposed covered <br />transaction be entered into, It shall an[ knowingly enter into <br />any lower tier covered transaction with a person who Is <br />debarred, suspeaJed, declared Ineligible. "wluuarey <br />excluded from Puagcipalan in this covered hamsaction, unless <br />authorised by the department or agency with which the <br />transaction origaalad. <br />f. The prospective laver liar participant twiner "gees by <br />submitting this proposal that IIwAI Include Ora clause rated <br />'Certicaton Regarding Determine, Suspension, IneYgibity <br />and Volunlary Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transaction," <br />without modification. in all lower tar covered Imnsedions and <br />In at sdidlmiams for lower ear covered imneacgons exceeding <br />the 528,1)(M)treshold <br />g. A pudiripum as covered hansaclion may rely upon a <br />carificaion of a prospective participant In slower liercwered <br />lmnwftn theirs not debarred, suspended inaigba, or <br />volur iy excluded Item the covered transaction unless It <br />knows that the certification is evonews. A participant is <br />resporeba Iorerwring tiro its principals aro not suspended, <br />debarred, or olhervese Ineigble to Participate In covered <br />transactions. To wdy the efgbcaly of its a" pals, as wet as <br />Ilte e%itiily of any lower gar prospective parlaipanls, each <br />Inalk pantmay, but is not required to, check If* Excluded <br />Pantos List System webaae (jfgg;[r Wy ng)g,ggv,(), which )a <br />compiled by the General Services Administration. <br />h. Homing contained in the Warning shall be construed to <br />require establishment of a system of records In order to fender <br />in goodfailh the codification required by this douse. The <br />knowledge and Intonation or participant is not required to <br />exceed that Witch is reproof, possessed by a pmdem person <br />in Ole ordinary Bourse or business dealings. <br />I. Except for Imrsactions authorized under paragraph a of <br />Ihcae instructors, if a paraiparil in a 00vared lmosectan <br />knowingly enters alo a laws list covered transaction with a <br />person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily <br />excluded Iron paisipaion to INS transaction, In addition to <br />other remedies weiatte laths Federal Govemmers, the <br />P-28 of P-52 <br />